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Capricornia Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage and Transmission Project

Project overview*

EIS statusEIS active
Description Pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) and transmission project with a stored capacity of up to 750 megawatts for approximately 16 hours for a 24 hour period.
Proponent Eungella PHES Pty Ltd (trading as Capricornia Energy Hub) as trustee for Eungella PHES Trust and also representing Eungella Infrastructure Pty Ltd (joint proponents)
Location/s Approximately 80 km west of Mackay and 10 km northwest of Eungella. Map
Local government/s Isaac Regional Council and Mackay Regional Council

$2.87 billion

Key features
  • approximately 18 gigalitre upper reservoir with valley infill wall and an instream lower reservoir within Broken River, both with associated spillways
  • approximately 750 megawatt powerhouse generation facility, intakes, and tunnels for water conveyance to connect the reservoirs and powerhouse
  • approximately 17km long overhead transmission line and substation connecting to the existing Powerlink Strathmore to Nebo 275 kilovolt transmission line
  • supporting infrastructure (temporary and permanent).
Construction start date 2026
  • 600 full time equivalent (construction)
  • 65 full time equivalent (operation)

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

CurrentlyDraft terms of reference for EIS and comments being assessed.
15 July to 23 August 2024 Draft terms of reference ( 1.2 MB) for EIS public consultation. The draft TOR includes the requirement to address matters outlined in the Preparing an EIS - Guideline for proponents (February 2024) ( 419.5 KB).
18 April 2024 Gazettal ( 245.5 KB) of 'coordinated project' declaration.
13 December 2023

Final initial advice statement ( 32.2 MB) submitted.

11 December 2023 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water decided the PHES component is a ‘controlled action’.
7 December 2023 Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water decided the transmission component is a ‘controlled action’.  

Further Information

Read more about the EIS process.

Last updated: 23 Aug 2024