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Our policies

As part of its corporate governance framework the department has policies, procedures and guidelines which guide decision making and the delivery of our work. 

Integrity policies and procedures

The following documents are available for download:

Departmental policies and procedures

The following documents can be requested from the department and are available for inspection in accordance with section 20 of the Right to Information Act 2009.

People and performance


Capability Development Policy

This policy guides the department through the capability development process – to utilise skills and knowledge of its employees as well as providing career development opportunities.

Customer complaints policy and procedure

This policy and procedure is designed to ensure that customer complaints about departmental products, services, decisions and actions are managed through an effective and consistent process that meets the requirements of the Public Sector Act 2022, the Queensland Public Service Customer Complaint Management Guideline and the Australian Standard 10002:2022: Guidelines in complaints management for organisations.

Complaints management policy The department is strongly committed to creating an environment that encourages feedback and manages complaints in a responsive, timely and fair manner. Complaints management aims to resolve individual complaints and identify opportunities for improvement. This policy sets out the department’s commitment to effective complaints management and together with the related procedures, provides an outline of our approach.

Conflict of interest policy

This policy sets out the department’s commitment to ensuring conflicts of interest are identified, disclosed, and managed in a transparent and accountable manner.

Contact with lobbyists policy

This policy details the department’s commitment to adhering to the requirements of managing relationships with lobbyists in compliance with the Integrity Act 2009 and the Lobbyists Code of Conduct.

Criminal history check policy

This policy sets out the department’s commitment to legislative requirements and employment screening for persons engaged to perform relevant duties as approved by the Director-General.

Domestic and Family Violence Workplace Policy

This policy demonstrates how the department will respond to situations that are recognised as domestic and family violence.

Employee Benefits policy

This policy ensures all provided employee entitlements and benefits are administered in a financially responsible manner, in accordance with relevant legislation and industrial rulings.

Employee wellbeing policy

This policy guides the department’s proactive approach to health, safety and wellbeing and forms part of the health and wellbeing framework.

Establishment Management Policy

This policy explains the principles of establishment management, as well as ensuring the department manages positions and classification levels consistently.

Flexible workplace arrangements policy

This policy outlines the department’s commitment to providing a fair and agile workplace that supports an innovative, productive, and diverse workforce by enabling flexible working to support employees’ work life balance responsibilities and wellbeing.

Fraud and corruption prevention policy

This policy sets out the department’s commitment to fraud and corruption prevention and provides for an approach to meet this requirement.

Gifts and benefits policy

This policy outlines the department’s expectation of giving and receiving of gifts and benefits ensuring it does not impact upon the impartial performance of an employee’s duties or the department’s reputation.

Hours of work policy

This policy ensures the department meets operational requirements and demands, while remaining responsive to change and individual employee circumstances.

Inclusion and Diversity Policy

This policy guides the department’s inclusive workplace culture, acknowledging and promoting the skills and perspectives that employees may bring to the workplace through their individual differences.

Integrated risk management policy

This policy sets the department-wide approach on the management of risk and opportunity to enable the achievement of the department’s strategic objectives.

Leave Policy

This policy guides the department’s processes and requirements to meet leave entitlements.

Recruitment and Selection Policy

This policy guides the department to achieve its desired workforce, provide career opportunities to employees and meet strategic objectives and operational requirements.

Suitability and eligibility for employment policy and procedureThe department has a commitment to securing and maintaining a responsible and accountable workforce and related work arrangements. As part of this, we have fair and transparent processes to assess a person’s suitability and eligibility for employment.

Work Health and Safety Policy

This policy provides an approach for the department to meet work, health, and safety legislative requirements to ensure a healthy and safe work environment for our workforce and visitors, whether working remotely or from departmental premises, is provided.

Information technology services


Acceptable use of ICT services, facilities, and devices policy

This policy sets out the department’s commitment to authorising, managing, and monitoring the acceptable use of ICT resources and proactively manage misuse.

Administrative release policy and procedure

This policy guides the department’s release of information where practicable and appropriate.

Human resources security policy

This policy outlines the implementation of information security controls for managing and reducing security risks during an employee’s lifecycle.

ICT Access control policy

This policy outlines the security access control to manage access to the departments information and information processing facilities.

ICT Asset management policy

This policy outlines information security controls, processes and appropriate protections when identifying the department owned business systems, devices, or applications.

ICT Communications security policy

This policy outlines the implementation of security to manage communication security risks associated with the network and its processing facilities to ensure the secure transfer of information within the department and with any external party.

ICT Compliance policy

This policy outlines the management of breaches of legal, statutory, regulatory, or contractual obligations related to information security and of any security requirements.

ICT Cryptographic controls policy

This policy outlines the implementation of the use of cryptographic controls to protect the confidentiality, authenticity and/or integrity and availability of the departments sensitive information.

ICT Information security aspects of business continuity management policy

This policy outlines the implementation of security controls as part of business continuity for the departments information and business systems.

ICT Information security incident management policy

This policy outlines the approach to the management of information security incidents, and communication on security events and weaknesses.

ICT Operations security policy

This policy outlines information security management to correct and secure operations of information processing in internal or externally managed facilities.

ICT Supplier relationships policy

This policy outlines information security to ensure protection of the departments assets that are accessible by suppliers.

ICT System acquisition, development, and maintenance policy

This policy outlines implementing information security to ensure that information security is an integral part of information systems across the entire lifecycle across internal and public networks.

Information management policy

This policy outlines the departments information management practices to support effective and efficient service delivery.

Information privacy policy

This policy outlines how the department collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information.

Information security classification policy

This policy outlines the departments commitment to classifying its information and business systems.

Information security policy

This policy outlines the departments approach to the implementation of information security.

Organisation of information security policy

This policy outlines the implementation and operation of information security, the controls for the use of mobile devices and the protection of information being accessed processed and stored at teleworking sites.

Physical and environment security policy

This policy underpins the department’s information security management system and aligns with International standards ISO 27001:2013 Information technology – security techniques – information security management systems requirements relating to ISO 27001 Security Control A.11 – Physical and environment security.

Records management policy

This policy outlines the department’s commitment to meeting its recordkeeping obligations under the Public Records Act 2002 and whole-of-government information standards.

Right to information policy

This policy outlines the department’s commitments to giving the community greater access to government-held information where it is in the public interests to do so.

Telecommunications policy

This policy outlines expectations of use for fixed and mobile telecommunication services on a departmental device or Bring Your Own Device used for official purposes.

Financial Services and Strategic Sourcing


Motor vehicle parking policy and procedure

This policy guides the management, allocation and use of parking bays owned or leased by the department.

Motor vehicles use policy

This policy guides the management and safe use of government owned or leased vehicles to support the delivery of the government’s strategic direction and the department’s business.

Office accommodation policy

This policy outlines the department’s management of its office accommodation to achieve cost effective accommodation that enhances the delivery of government services and provides a safe, secure and productive workplace for all employees.

Procurement policy

This policy outlines the requirements applicable to the procuring of goods and/or services by the department’s business areas.

Travel policy

This policy outlines the requirements application for domestic and overseas travel undertaken by department employees in an official capacity.

Please contact us for more information on our policies and procedures or to request a copy of a policy or procedure.

Last updated: 17 Mar 2025