Project's EIS documents
Additional Information to EIS
Supplementary EIS
- AEIS 01 introduction ( 1.3 MB)
- AEIS 02 consultation and communication update( 33 KB)
- AEIS 03 assessment of alternatives ( 4.5MB)
- AEIS 04 project description lng plant ( 7.7 MB)
- AEIS 05 project description feed gas pipeline ( 3.1 KB)
- AEIS 06 project description dredging ( 2.9 MB)
- AEIS 07 project description logistics ( 1.4 MB)
- AEIS 08 air quality ( 2.4 MB)
- AEIS 09 plume rise ( 32 KB)
- AEIS 10 greenhouse gas ( 55 KB)
- AEIS 11 noise and vibration ( 3.0 MB)
- AEIS 12 sediment characterisation ( 4.2 MB)
- AEIS 13 marine water quality ( 1.7 MB)
- AEIS 14 coastal processes ( 3.1 MB)
- AEIS 15 marine ecology ( 5.0 MB)
- AEIS 16 turtles and lighting ( 2.7MB)
- AEIS 17 estuarine ecology calliope river ( 2.2 MB)
- AEIS 18 terrestrial ecology ( 12.7 MB)
- AEIS 19 terrestrial ecology shorebirds ( 5.1 MB)
- AEIS 20 traffic and transport ( 1.1 MB)
- AEIS 21 hazard and riskc ( 1.1 MB)
- AEIS 01 submissions ( 17 KB)
- AEIS 02 summary of submissions and issues ( 117 KB)
- AEIS 03 submission and issues register ( 0.7 MB)
- AEIS 04 detailed issue responses ( 200 MB)
- AEIS 01 conclusions ( 64 KB)
- AEIS 02 study team ( 46 KB)
- AEIS 03 references ( 39 B)
- AEIS 04 glossary and abbreviations ( 103 KB)
AEIS Appendices
- Appendix 01 supplementary air quality assessment ( 3.6 MB)
- Appendix 02 supplementary plume rise assessment ( 1.6 MB)
- Appendix 03 GHG impact assessment supplementary report ( 2.4 KB)
- Appendix 04 noise and vibration impact assessment ( 8.2 MB)
- Appendix 05 marine water quality part a marine water quality ( 1.9 KB)
- Appendix 06 marine water quality part b marine and estuarine ecology ( 6.5 KB)
- Appendix 07 coastal processes and marine water quality technical study ( 15.8 KB)
- Appendix 08 technical study of marine ecology ( 11.8 MB)
- Appendix 09 marine ecology turtles curtis island baseline light monitoring 2012 ( 4.3 KB)
- Appendix 10 technical study of estuarine ecology calliope river ( 8.7 KB)
- Appendix 11 terrestrial ecology EIS study ( 13.2 MB)
- Appendix 12 interim shorebird technical study ( 16.7 MB)
- Appendix 13 traffic and transport impact assessment ( 24.1 MB)
- Appendix 14 update to the preliminary hazard and risk assessment for the arrow LNG plant ( 8 KB)
- Appendix 15 update to the preliminary safety management study for arrow feed gas pipeline ( 1.1 KB)
- Appendix 16 consultation report ( 2.6 MB)
- Appendix 17 terrestrial ecology wet season conservation listed species surveys ( 15.5 KB)
- Appendix 18 final shorebird technical study ( 5.2 MB)
AEIS Attachments
- 01 legislation updates ( 1.6 MB)
- 02 matters of national environmental significance update( 16 MB)
- 03 strategic environmental management plan ( 12.4 MB)
- 04 social impact management plan ( 2.8 MB)
- 05 other management plans ( 0.9 MB)
- 06 draft environmental offsets strategic management plan ( 6.9 KB)
- 07 commitments update ( 1.1 MB)
Complete EIS
- EIS table of contents ( 172 KB)
- EIS 01 introduction ( 4.9 MB)
- EIS 02 project approval ( 0.8 MB)
- EIS 03 project rationale ( 2.9 MB)
- EIS 04 consultation and communication ( 59 KB)
- EIS 05 assessment of alternatives ( 9.5 MB)
- EIS 06 project description lng plant ( 9.3 MB)
- EIS 07 project description feed gas pipeline ( 3.8 MB)
- EIS 08 project description dredging ( 8.3 MB)
- EIS 09 improvement assessment method ( 2.3 MB)
- EIS 10 climate and climate change adaption ( 1.6 MB)
- EIS 11 geology landform and soils ( 8.6 MB)
- EIS 12 land contamination and acid sulfate soils ( 5.4 MB)
- EIS 13 surface water hydrology and water quality ( 7.0 MB)
- EIS 14 groundwater ( 11.5 MB)
- EIS 15 coastal processes ( 4.7 MB)
- EIS 16 marine water quality and sediment ( 7.2 MB)
- EIS 17 terrestrial ecology ( 28.8 MB)
- EIS 18 freshwater ecology ( 3.8 MB)
- EIS 19 marine and estuarine ecology ( 7.2 MB)
- EIS 20 greenhouse gas ( 238 KB)
- EIS 21 air quality ( 9.3 MB)
- EIS 22 noise and vibration ( 6.9 MB)
- EIS 23 landscape and visual ( 19.4 MB)
- EIS 24 indigenous cultural heritage ( 2.9 MB)
- EIS 25 non-indigenous cultural heritage ( 4.7 MB)
- EIS 26 social ( 1.4 MB)
- EIS 27 economics ( 255 KB)
- EIS 28 traffic and transport ( 3.8 MB)
- EIS 29 hazard and risk ( 1.5 MB)
- EIS 30 land use and planning ( 24.9 MB)
- EIS 31 waste management ( 367 KB)
- EIS 32 cumulative impacts ( 1.0 MB)
- EIS 33 sustainable development ( 232 KB)
- EIS 34 conclusions and recommendations ( 50 KB)
- EIS 35 study team ( 150 KB)
- EIS 36 references ( 153 KB)
- EIS 37 glossary ( 93 KB)
EIS appendices
- Appendix 01 climate and climate change adaptation ( 3.7 MB)
- Appendix 02 geology landform and soils impact assessment ( 18 MB)
- Appendix 03 preliminary site investigation ( 33.7 MB)
- Appendix 04 acid sulfate soil impact assessment ( 9.5 MB)
- Appendix 05 surface water impact assessment ( 17.1 MB)
- Appendix 06 stormwater quality impact assessment ( 3.3 MB)
- Appendix 07 groundwater impact assessment ( 10.2 MB)
- Appendix 08 coastal processes water quality hydrodynamics and legislation ( 153 MB)
- Appendix 09 terrestrial ecology impact assessment ( 10.9 MB)
- Appendix 10 pest management plan ( 4.6 MB)
- Appendix 11 freshwater ecology and water quality impact assessment( 6.0 KB)
- Appendix 12 marine and estuarine ecology impact assessment( 18.8 KB)
- Appendix 13 greenhouse gas impact assessment ( 2.5 MB)
- Appendix 14 air quality impact assessment ( 10.0 MB)
- Appendix 15 plume rise impact assessment ( 3.8 MB)
- Appendix 16 noise and vibration impact assessment ( 10.4 MB)
- Appendix 17 landscape and visual impact assessment ( 29.9 MB)
- Appendix 18 indigenous cultural heritage impact assessment( 4.1 KB)
- Appendix 19 non-indigenous cultural heritage impact assessment( 4.4 KB)
- Appendix 20 social impact assessment ( 5.2 MB)
- Appendix 21 economic impact assessment ( 3.0 MB)
- Appendix 22 implications for domestic gas markets ( 6.0 MB)
- Appendix 23 traffic and transport impact assessment( 84.7 KB)
- Appendix 24 confidential information ( 1.8 MB)
- Appendix 25 preliminary safety management study ( 7.5 MB)
- Appendix 26 bushfire hazard and risk assessment ( 5.6 MB)
- Appendix 27 health impact assessment ( 2.9 MB)
- Appendix 28 land use and planning technical report ( 8.0 MB)
- Appendix 29 waste impact assessmentc ( 7.8 MB)
- Appendix 30 consultation report ( 13.1 MB)
EIS Attachments
- Attachment 01 relevant legislation policies and approvals( 145 KB)
- Attachment 02 terms of reference ( 643 KB)
- Attachment 03 terms of reference cross reference table ( 927 KB)
- Attachment 04 matters of national environmental significance ( 16.4 KB)
- Attachment 05 arrow policies ( 1.7 MB)
- Attachment 06 environmental management plan ( 23.4 MB)
- Attachment 07 social impact management plan ( 2.2 MB)
- Attachment 08 commitments ( 511 KB)
Last updated: 09 Nov 2021