Caval Ridge Mine environmental impact statement documents
Additional information to EIS
- Supplementary EIS ( 975 KB)
- Appendix A1 - EPBC Assessment of Impact Significance on Listed EEC ( 239 KB)
- Appendix A2 - Biodiversity Offset Strategy ( 121 KB)
- Appendix A3 - Nature Conservation Act response ( 88 KB)
- Appendix B - Air Quality Assessment Supplementary Report ( 2.3 MB)
- Appendix C - MBCM Seam Clarification ( 23 KB)
- Appendix D1 - BMA Environmental Performance Details ( 90 KB)
- Appendix D2 - Caval BMA Sustainable Development Report ( 4.1 MB)
- Appendix E1 - Caval Ridge Mine Project ( 3.5 MB)
- Appendix E2 - Long Term Void Storage and Quality Report ( 13.9 MB)
- Appendix F - Soils Addendum ( 204 KB)
- Appendix G - Belt Press Filter Operating Philosophy ( 63 KB)
- Appendix H1 - Hazard Assess for Dams ( 11.1 MB)
- Appendix H2 - Caval Ridge EIS Supplementary Flood Modelling ( 5.3 MB)
- Appendix H3 - Derivation of End-Of-Pipe Discharge Criteria ( 205 KB)
- Appendix I - Conceptual Dump ( 228 KB)
- Appendix J - Groundwater Monitoring Plan ( 471 KB)
- Appendix K - Low Frequency Noise ( 86 KB)
- Appendix L - Minister of Mines and Energy Speech ( 69 KB)
- Appendix M1 - BMA Communities Strategy ( 227 KB)
- Appendix M2 - Updated Issue and Mitigation Table ( 188 KB)
- Appendix M3 - Comm Donations Sponsorships Partnerships Guidelines ( 124 KB)
- Appendix M4 - Northern Bowen Basin and Mackay Regional Master ( 56 KB)
- Appendix N - Tailings and Rejects Management System ( 928 KB)
- Appendix O - EM Plan Rev Supplementary ( 25.3 MB)
- Appendix P - List of commitments ( 239 KB)
Complete EIS
- Glossary ( 135 KB)
- Executive Summary ( 794 KB)
- EIS cover page ( 6.1 MB)
- Table of Contents ( 163 KB)
- 1 - Introduction ( 2.0 MB)
- 2 - Project Justification and Sustainability ( 91 KB)
- 3 - Project Description ( 7.6 MB)
- 4 - Land Resources ( 16.1 MB)
- 5 - Mineral Waste ( 251 KB)
- 6 - Surface Water ( 3.7 MB)
- 7 - Groundwater ( 462 KB)
- 8 - Terrestrial Ecology ( 4.7 MB)
- 9 - Aquatic Ecology ( 64 KB)
- 10 - Air Quality ( 2.2 MB)
- 11 - Greenhouse Gases ( 177 KB)
- 12 - Noise and Vibration ( 1.8 MB)
- 13 - Transport ( 1.6 MB)
- 14 - Waste Management ( 171 KB)
- 15 - Cultural Heritage ( 546 KB)
- 16 - Community ( 229 KB)
- 17 - Social Impact Assessment ( 559 KB)
- 18 - Economic Assessment ( 115 KB)
- 19 - Health Safety and Risk ( 508 KB)
- 20 - Cumulative Impacts ( 93 KB)
- 21 - Environmental Management Plan ( 50 KB)
- 22 - References ( 113 KB)
- Appendix A1 - TOR ( 474 KB)
- Appendix A2 - TOR Checklist ( 492 KB)
- Appendix B - Approvals ( 55 KB)
- Appendix C1 - EPBC Referral ( 3.0 MB)
- Appendix C2 - EPBC Report ( 8.5 MB)
- Appendix D - Study Team ( 105 KB)
- Appendix E1 - Advisory Agencies ( 43 KB)
- Appendix E2 - Letters To Representatives ( 91 KB)
- Appendix E3 - Stakeholders ( 16 KB)
- Appendix E4 - Consultation Material ( 6.8 MB)
- Appendix F - Soil Report ( 5.7 MB)
- Appendix G - Preliminary Site Investigation ( 7.6 MB)
- Appendix H - Geochem Report ( 724 KB)
- Appendix I1 - URS Site Visit Assessment ( 12.1 MB)
- Appendix I2 - SKM Stream Diversion Concept Report ( 5.6 MB)
- Appendix I3 - Risk Matrix Impacts Table ( 28 KB)
- Appendix I4 - Flood Assessment Report ( 720 KB)
- Appendix I5 - Water Quality Data ( 35 KB)
- Appendix J - Groundwater ( 10.7 MB)
- Appendix K - Ecological Assessment ( 7.6 MB)
- Appendix L - Air Quality Report ( 5.0 MB)
- Appendix M - Noise And Vibration ( 1.8 MB)
- Appendix N - Traffic And Transport Impact Assessment ( 5.8 MB)
- Appendix O1 - Indigenous cultural heritage ( 1.7 MB)
- Appendix O2 - Non-Indigenous cultural heritage ( 1.7 MB)
- Appendix P - Social Impact Studies ( 6.1 MB)
- Appendix Q - Draft EMP ( 8.4 MB)
- Appendix R1 - BHP Sustainable Development Policy ( 135 KB)
- Appendix R2 - BMA Charter ( 62 KB)
- Appendix R3 - HSEC Management ( 175 KB)
- Appendix R4 - Greenhouse Gases And Climate Change ( 76 KB)
- Appendix R5 - BMA Guideline Design Of Sustainable Mine Landforms ( 1.6 MB)
- Appendix S - Commitments ( 156 KB)
For more information on this project, please visit the project page.
Last updated: 16 Mar 2023