Project's draft environmental impact statement documents
Additional Information to the Draft EIS - Chapters
- Part 1 – Chapters 1-4 ( 21.8 MB)
- Executive summary
- Table of contents
- Chapter 01 - Introduction
- Chapter 02 - Consultation
- Chapter 03 – Legislation, regulatory frameworks and project approvals
- Chapter 04 - Land
- Part 2 – Chapters 5-15 ( 27.3 MB)
- Chapter 05 – Fitzroy River turtle and white-throated snapping turtle
- Chapter 06 – Terrestrial fauna
- Chapter 07 - Surface water resources
- Chapter 08 - Water quality
- Chapter 09 - Noise and vibration
- Chapter 10 - Transport
- Chapter 11 – Consequential impacts
- Chapter 12 - Environmental management plan
- Chapter 13 – Project commitments
- Chapter 14 - Conclusions
- Chapter 15 - References
Additional Information to the Draft EIS - Appendices
- Appendix A – EIS submission Analysis Register ( 653 KB)
- Appendix B – Consultation material ( 7.4 MB)
- Appendix C - Connectivity ( 761 KB)
- Appendix D – Revised Project commitments ( 517 KB)
- Appendix E – Fitzroy River turtle and White-throated Snapping turtle species management program ( 24.9 MB)
- Appendix F – Revised draft environmental management plan ( 948 KB)
- Appendix G – Offset proposal for the Fitzroy River turtle and White-throated Snapping turtle ( 3.5 MB)
- Appendix H – Daily flow duration curves ( 8.9 MB)
- Appendix I – Sensitivity analysis (wewt and dry years) daily flow duration curves ( 540 KB)
Draft EIS - Volume 1 Chapters
- Executive summary ( 4.0 MB)
- Table of contents ( 546 KB)
- Chapter 01 - Introduction ( 1.3 MB)
- Chapter 02 - Project description ( 19.3 MB)
- Chapter 03 - Legislation and project approvals ( 856 KB)
- Chapter 04 - Climate, natural hazards and climate change ( 591 KB)
- Chapter 05 - Land ( 34.1 MB)
- Chapter 06 - Flora ( 27.8 MB)
- Chapter 07 - Aquatic ecology ( 21.4 MB)
- Chapter 08 - Terrestrial fauna ( 30.3 MB)
- Chapter 09 - Surface water resources ( 13.5 MB)
- Chapter 10 - Groundwater resources ( 2.1 MB)
- Chapter 11 - Water quality ( 7.5 MB)
- Chapter 12 - Air quality ( 3.5 MB)
- Chapter 13 - Greenhouses gas emissions ( 370 KB)
- Chapter 14 - Noise and vibration ( 3.0 MB)
- Chapter 15 - Waste ( 320 KB)
- Chapter 16 - Transport ( 4.6 MB)
- Chapter 17 - Cultural heritage ( 7.8 MB)
- Chapter 18 - Social ( 2.1 MB)
- Chapter 19 - Economics ( 1.7 MB)
- Chapter 20 - Hazard and risk ( 1.4 MB)
- Chapter 21 - Cumulative impacts ( 4.5 MB)
- Chapter 22 - Offsets ( 3.2 MB)
- Chapter 23 - Environmental management plan ( 1.1 MB)
- Chapter 24 - Conclusions and recommendations ( 229 KB)
- Chapter 25 - References ( 620 KB)
Draft EIS - Volume 2 Chapters
- Executive summary ( 5.5 MB)
- Table of contents ( 410 KB)
- Chapter 01 - Description of the action ( 1.2 MB)
- Chapter 02 - Project description ( 19.2 MB)
- Chapter 03 - Planning and approvals ( 466 KB)
- Chapter 04 - Consultation ( 574 KB)
- Chapter 05 - Alternatives to the Project ( 265 KB)
- Chapter 06 - Methodology ( 13.6 MB)
- Chapter 07 - Existing environment ( 25.4 MB)
- Chapter 08 - General impacts ( 1.6 MB)
- Chapter 09 - World Heritage properties and National Heritage places ( 3.0 MB)
- Chapter 10 - Threatened species and ecological communities ( 9.0 MB)
- Chapter 11 - Migratory and marine species ( 608 KB)
- Chapter 12 - Cumulative and consequential impacts ( 1.9 MB)
- Chapter 13 - Environmental Management System ( 560 KB)
- Chapter 14 - Offsets ( 3.0 MB)
- Chapter 15 - Conclusion ( 253 KB)
- Chapter 16 - Information sources and reference list ( 459 KB)
Draft EIS - Appendices
- Appendix A - Final terms of reference ( 1.1 MB)
- Appendix B - Terms of reference cross-reference ( 1.1 MB)
- Appendix C - Glossary and abbreviations ( 395 KB)
- Appendix D - Study team ( 264 KB)
- Appendix E - Proponents' environmental policies ( 478 KB)
- Appendix F - Consultation report ( 8.8 MB)
- Appendix G - Land - detailed mapping:
- Eden Bann Weir ( 64.8 MB)
- Rookwood Weir ( 55.6 MB)
- Appendix H - Assessment of potential implications on native vegetation and terrestrial ecosystems (Nangura 2007) ( 1.4 MB)
- Appendix 1 - Vascular plant species recorded from the Lower Dawson River study area ( 120 KB)
- Appendix 2 - Report photo plates ( 3.6 MB)
- Appendix 3 - Biocondition review - Riparian Offset Zones on Upper Bank ( 253 KB)
- Appendix 3a - Riparian offset zone photos ( 7.8 MB)
- Attachment 1 - Vegetation maps ( 279.3 MB)
- Attachment 1 - Eden Bann Impoundment vegetation maps ( 63.6 MB)
- Attachment 1 - Rookwood Impoundment vegetation maps ( 139.7 MB)
- Attachment 1 - Field site vegetation maps ( 1.4 MB)
- Attachment 1 - Offset location maps ( 13.6 MB)
- Attachment 2 - Site photo gallery ( 170 KB)
- Appendix I - Flora - detailed mapping:
- Eden Bann Weir (FSL 18.2 m) ( 6.1 MB)
- Eden Bann Weir (FSL 20.2 m) ( 6.2 MB)
- Rookwood Weir (FSL 45.5 m) ( 6.5 MB)
- Rookwood Weir (FSL 49.0 m) ( 6.8 MB)
- Appendix J - Eden Bann Weir baseline aquatic ecology report ( 9.2 MB)
- Appendix K - Rookwood Weir baseline aquatic ecology report ( 9.6 MB)
- Appendix L - Fitzroy River turtle (Rheodytes leukops) technical report ( 31.6 MB)
- Appendix M - Fitzroy River turtle (Rheodytes leukops) species management program ( 21.6 MB)
- Appendix N - Eden Bann Weir baseline terrestrial fauna report ( 16.1 MB)
- Appendix O - Rookwood Weir baseline terrestrial fauna report ( 16.0 MB)
- Appendix P - Surface water resources supporting material:
- Part 1 - Regulatory framework and yield modelling ( 3.6 MB)
- Part 2 - Existing environment and potential impacts on stream flow patterns ( 1.5 MB)
- Part 3 - IQQM statistical modelling comparison, hydrologic investigations and modelling ( 4.0 MB)
- Part 4 - Hydraulic modelling and references ( 4.0 MB)
- Appendix A - MDS plots ( 1.3 MB)
- Appendix B - MDS plots (EB1 vs RW2+EB3; theoretical yield) ( 899 KB)
- Appendix C - Stream flow hydrology ( 2.7 MB)
- Appendix D - Flow duration curves ( 1.6 MB)
- Appendix E - Eden Bann Weir existing flood extents:
- E1 - 1 in 2 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- E2 - 1 in 5 year AEP ( 46.7 MB)
- E3 - 1 in 10 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- E4 - 1 in 20 year AEP ( 45.9 MB)
- E5 - 1 in 50 year AEP ( 45.1 MB)
- E6 - 1 in 100 year AEP ( 44.6 MB)
- Appendix E - Eden Bann Weir design flood extents:
- E7 - 1 in 2 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- E8 - 1 in 5 year AEP ( 46.7 MB)
- E9 - 1 in 10 year AEP ( 46.4 MB)
- E10 - 1 in 20 year AEP ( 45.9 MB)
- E11 - 1 in 50 year AEP ( 45.3 MB)
- E12 - 1 in 100 year AEP ( 44.6 MB)
- Appendix F - Rookwood Weir existing flood extents:
- F1 - 1 in 2 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- F2 - 1 in 5 year AEP ( 46.7 MB)
- F3 - 1 in 10 year AEP ( 46.4 MB)
- F4 - 1 in 20 year AEP ( 45.9 MB)
- F5 - 1 in 50 year AEP ( 45.0 MB)
- F6 - 1 in 100 year AEP ( 44.4 MB)
- Appendix F - Rookwood Weir design flood extents:
- F7 - 1 in 2 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- F8 - 1 in 5 year AEP ( 46.7 MB)
- F9 - 1 in 10 year AEP ( 46.5 MB)
- F10 - 1 in 20 year AEP ( 45.9 MB)
- F11 - 1 in 50 year AEP ( 45.1 MB)
- F12 - 1 in 100 year AEP ( 44.6 MB)
- Appendix Q - Traffic and transport supporting material:
- Appendix R - Social impact assessment report ( 4.9 MB)
- Appendix S - Economic Assessment report (confidential) ( 120 KB)
- Appendix T - Counter-terrorism and critical infrastructure protection report (confidential) ( 114 KB)
- Appendix U - EPBC Protected Matters Search Tool Results ( 713 KB)
- Appendix V - IQQM yield assessment (confidential) ( 114 KB)
- Appendix W - Project commitments ( 367 KB)
- Appendix X - Fish passage technical report ( 10.0 MB)
- Appendix Y - Consolidated mitigation measures under EPBC Act ( 378 KB)
Last updated: 16 Mar 2023