Shute Harbour Marina EIS documents
- Appendix A - Terms of referece ( 442 KB)
- Appendix B1 - proponent details ( 20 KB)
- Appendix B2 - Study team ( 124 KB)
- Appendix C - Planning report ( 10 MB)
- Appendix D - Initial advice statement ( 2.4 MB)
- Appendix E Report on matters of national environmental significance ( 6.5 MB)
- Appendix F - Community consultation report ( 2.2 MB)
- Appendix G - Net benefit assessment ( 617 KB)
- Appendix H! - Marine demand study ( 2.5 MB)
- Appendix H2 - Marine demand study update mdu ( 264 KB)
- Appendix H3 - Accommodation demand assessment ( 269 KB)
- Appendix I1 - Geotechnical summary ( 9.7 MB)
- Appendix I2 - Report on acid sulphate soil and sediment contamination investigation ( 14 MB)
- Appendix I3 - Acid sulphate soil management plan ( 4.1 MB)
- Appendix J - Landscape character and visual amenity assessment ( 7 MB)
- Appendix K1 - Road traffic impact assessment ( 4.5 MB)
- Appendix K2 - Marine traffic study ( 2.7 MB)
- Appendix L - Electricity and telecommunications report ( 377 KB)
- Appendix M - Water supply and sewerage investigation ( 2.8 MB)
- Appendix N - Stormwater management strategy ( 19.3 MB)
- Appendix O - Coastal processes investigation ( 8.8 MB)
- Appendix P1 - Aquatic ecology report ( 8.5 MB)
- Appendix P2 - Marine megafauna impact assessment and management plan ( 2.1 MB)
- Appendix Q - Terrestrial ecological assessment ( 7.6 MB)
- Appendix R - Road traffic noise assessment ( 7.9 MB)
- Appendix S1 - Cultural heritage investigation ( 2.1 MB)
- Appendix S2 - Cultural heritage management plan ( 790 KB)
- Appendix S3 - Cultural heritage consultation report ( 13.4 MB)
- Appendix T - Socio-economic impact assessment ( 1.3 MB)
- Appendix U1 - Construction environmental management plan ( 3.1 MB)
- Appendix U2 - Waste technical report and management plan ( 3 MB)
- Appendix U3 - Marine site based management plan ( 2.4 MB)
- Appendix U4 - Cyclone evacuation plan ( 2.4 MB)
List of figures
- Figure 1 - Locality plan ( 1.7 MB)
- Figure 2 - Master plan ( 574 KB)
- Figure 3 - Precinct plan ( 1.3 MB)
- Figure 4 - Development approval process ( 237 KB)
- Figure 5 - Zoning plan ( 3.7 MB)
- Figure 6 - Cadastral boundaries ( 326 KB)
- Figure 7 - Existing contours ( 650 KB)
- Figure 8 - Design contours ( 418 KB)
- Figure 9 - Environmentally sensitive areas ( 396 KB)
- Figure 10 - Coordinated site plan ( 4.4 MB)
- Figure 11 - 3D modelling still images ( 354 KB)
- Figure 12 - Road and water-based transport ( 339 KB)
- Figure 13 - Conceptual stormwater strategy ( 601 KB)
- Figure 14 - Geological investigation representations ( 292 KB)
- Figure 15 - State significant areas ( 582 KB)
- Figure 16 - State significant areas with coral communities ( 673 KB)
- Figure 17 - State significant area with mangrove distributions ( 679 KB)
- Figure 18 - State significant areas with seagrass distributions in 1999 and 2000 ( 832 KB)
- Figure 19 - State significant areas with seagrass distributions in 2007 ( 624 KB)
- Figure 20 - Coastal siltation processes ( 288 KB)
- Figure 21 - Overlay of regional ecosystem mapping ( 426 KB)
List of drawings
- Drawing 1 - Cover sheet ( 543 MB)
- Drawing 2 - Locality plan notes and schedule of drawings ( 687 MB)
- Drawing 3 - Master layout plan ( 942 MB)
- Drawing 4 - Boundary and wall location plan ( 507 MB)
- Drawing 5 - Proposed future works ( 462 MB)
- Drawing 6 - Bulk earthworks design surface ( 504 MB)
- Drawing 7 - Bulk earthworks cut and fill volumes layout plan ( 542 MB)
- Drawing 8 - Bulk earthworks cut and fill site sections sheet 1 of 4 ( 64 MB)
- Drawing 9 - Bulk earthworks cut and fill site sections sheet 2 of 4 ( 59 MB)
- Drawing 10 - Bulk earthworks cut and fill site sections sheet 3 of 4 ( 40 MB)
- Drawing 11 - Bulk earthworks cut and fill site sections-sheet-4-of-4 ( 31 MB)
- Drawing 12 - Bulk earthworks boreholes and marine clay contours layout plan ( 91 MB)
- Drawing 13 - Bulk earthworks boreholes and residual clay contours layout plan ( 91 MB)
- Drawing 14 - Shute Harbour road road layout plan ( 75 MB)
- Drawing 15 - Shute harbour road typical road cross sections ( 34 MB)
- Drawing 16 - Shute Harbour road longitudinal section ( 80 MB)
- Drawing 17- Shute Harbour road proposed two lane cross sections sheet 1 of 5 ( 43 MB)
- Drawing 18- Shute Harbour road proposed two lane cross sections sheet 2 of 5 ( 48 MB)
- Drawing 19- Shute Harbour road proposed two lane cross sections sheet 3 of 5 ( 52 MB)
- Drawing 20- Shute Harbour road proposed two lane cross sections sheet 4 of 5 ( 49 MB)
- Drawing 21- Shute Harbour road proposed two lane cross sections sheet 5 of 5 ( 37 MB)
- Drawing 22 - Shute Harbour road drainage layout plan ( 89 MB)
- Drawing 23- Shute Harbour road drainage culvert section sheet 1-of-3 ( 32 MB)
- Drawing 24- Shute Harbour road drainage culvert section sheet 2-of-3 ( 39 MB)
- Drawing 25- Shute Harbour road drainage culvert section sheet 3-of-3 ( 41 MB)
- Drawing 26 - Marina revetment wall and breakwater layout plan ( 69 MB)
- Drawing 27 - Marina wall 1 sheetpile revetment longitudinal section sheet 1 of 2 ( 67 MB)
- Drawing 28 - Marina wall 1 sheetpile revetment longitudinal section sheet 2 of 2 ( 77 MB)
- Drawing 29 - Marina wall 6 temporary sheetpile longitudinal section ( 91 MB)
- Drawing 30 - Marina wall 3 bund wall longitudinal section ( 48 MB)
- Drawing 31 - Marina wall 4 and 5 breakwater longitudinal section sheet 1 of 2 ( 58 MB)
- Drawing 32 - Marina wall 4 and 5 breakwater longitudinal section sheet 2 of 2 ( 52 MB)
- Drawing 33 - Marina revetment wall details wall 1 ( 75 MB)
- Drawing 34 - Marina wall details walls 3 and 6 ( 61 MB)
- Drawing 35 - Marina typical road cross sections ( 30 MB)
- Drawing 36 - Marina typical cross sections ( 33 MB)
- Drawing 37 - Marina drainage layout plan ( 112 MB)
- Drawing 38 - Marina dredge spoil treatment area section ( 53 MB)
- Drawing 39 - Marina walls 4 and 5 breakwater typical elevation ( 38 MB)
- Drawing 40 - Marina walls 4 and 5 breakwater option using concrete blocks typical elevation ( 34 MB)
- Drawing 41 - Construction master plan ( 590 MB)
- Drawing 42 - Construction phase 1 ( 236 MB)
- Drawing 43 - Construction phase 2 ( 418 MB)
- Drawing 44 - Construction phase 3 ( 444 MB)
- Drawing 45 - Construction phase 4 ( 369 MB)
- Drawing 46 - Construction phase 5 ( 430 MB)
- Drawing 47 - Construction sediment and erosion control plan standard notes and details ( 423 MB)
- Drawing 48 - Construction sediment and erosion plan phase 1 ( 295 MB)
- Drawing 49 - Construction sediment and erosion plan phase 2 ( 402 MB)
- Drawing 50 - Construction sediment and erosion plan phase 3 ( 427 MB)
- Drawing 51 - Construction sediment and erosion plan phase 4 ( 355 MB)
- Drawing 52 - Construction sediment and erosion plan phase 5 ( 449 MB)
Last updated: 16 Mar 2023