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South of the Embley Project (Amrun)

Project overview*

EIS statusApproved with conditions
DescriptionNew bauxite mining operation, initially producing 22.8 million dry product tonnes per annum (mdpt/a) with the potential to increase to 50 mdpt/a.
ProponentRTA Weipa Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of Rio Tinto Aluminium within the Rio Tinto Alcan Group)
Location/s40 km south of Weipa and 40 km north of Aurukun, western Cape York Peninsula. Map
Local government/s
  • Cook Shire Council
  • Aurukun Shire Council
Key features
  • open-cut bauxite mine
  • processing plant
  • bauxite stockpiles
  • ancillary infrastructure
  • port development

* Project information supplied by proponent and subject to change.

Environmental impact statement (EIS) process

23 May 2016The Coordinator-General extended the currency period for the Evaluation Report to 24 May 2019.
14 May 2013Commonwealth Minister for the Environment's approval of 'controlled action', subject to conditions.
23 May 2012Coordinator-General's report on EIS (PDF icon 2.49 MB) released.
9 February 2012Supplementary information to EIS released.
1 August 2011 to
12 September 2011
Public consultation on EIS
29 October 2010Project deemed a 'controlled action' by Commonwealth Minister for the Environment. Project to be assessed under a parallel process. (Note: this decision overrides the minister's previous decision of 2 October 2008).
13 September 2010Project re-referred to Commonwealth Minister for the Environment, due to changes to the port component of the project.
1 April 2009Terms of reference for EIS (PDF icon 401 KB) released.
17 January 2009 to
16 February 2009
Public consultation on draft terms of reference for EIS.
21 November 2008Gazettal of 'significant project' declaration (PDF icon 196 KB).
2 October 2008Project deemed a 'controlled action' by Commonwealth Minister for the Environment. Project to be assessed under bilateral agreement. More information
3 September 2008Project referred to Commonwealth Minister for the Environment.
11 July 2008Application, including initial advice statement (PDF icon 446 KB) submitted.

Read more about the EIS process.

Social impact management plan

As part of its EIS, the South of the Embley Project (Amrun) prepared a social impact management plan.

Project changes

Since the publication of the Coordinator-General's report on the EIS, RTA Weipa Pty Ltd has applied for changes to the project.

Media releases

Further information

For more information, visit the Amrun project web page.

Last updated: 16 Mar 2023