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Inland Rail – Calvert to Kagaru - Frequently asked questions

The following are frequently asked questions about the EIS assessment process for the Inland Rail – Calvert to Kagaru project.

Next step in the environmental impact statement process

  • The Coordinator-General has reviewed the submissions received on the Inland Rail – Calvert to Kagaru draft EIS and has decided additional information is required from ARTC.

    Additional information has been sought in several key areas including, but not limited to noise and vibration, traffic and transport, stakeholder engagement, environmental values, flooding, groundwater, economic assessment, social impact and air quality.

    ARTC will be providing a written response to the Coordinator-General addressing the submissions received on the draft EIS as part of the revised draft EIS.

    The Coordinator-General also decided the revised draft EIS will be publicly notified, and the community will be invited to have their say on the updated information in the revised draft EIS.

  • No. The finalisation of the EIS is the next stage of the EIS process. This will occur after the additional information is provided by ARTC and publicly notified.

Community consultation

  • Yes. A requirement of the terms of reference is for ARTC to undertake rigorous community and stakeholder engagement during the EIS process.

    To ensure this continues to occur, ARTC has been directed to prepare and implement a Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan. An outline of the plan is included in the draft EIS and will be updated in the revised draft EIS.

    To ensure ARTC comply with their community and stakeholder engagement plan after the EIS process is complete, conditions may be set in the project’s evaluation to manage social impacts.

Independent panel of experts for flood studies in Queensland

  • In June 2020, the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Department of Transport and Main Roads as representatives of the State of Queensland, jointly established the Independent panel of experts for flood studies in Queensland (the panel).

    Five members of the expert panel were appointed:

    • Mark Babister, Chair – Managing Director, WMAwater
    • Tina O’Connell – Principal Engineer, Hydrology and Hydraulics, HDR
    • Ferdinand Diermanse – Expert Researcher, Deltares
    • Steve Clark – Managing Director, Water Technology
    • Martin Giles – Senior Principal, BMT.

    The panel’s focus was investigating whether national and state guidelines, as well as industry best practice, were applied by ARTC to modelling techniques and outputs to create the existing flood models. The panel assessed four core areas:

    • extent
    • assumptions
    • application
    • interpretation.

    The panel investigated the design of waterway structures in relation to the Inland Rail in a floodplain environment in Queensland.

    Managing the work of the panel was the responsibility of the Australian Government and Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. The panel reported to a Joint Working Group comprising officers from the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. All panel advice, recommendations and deliverables were reported to the Joint Working Group.

  • On 7 October 2022, the flood panel released their final report and recommendations on the Department of Transport and Main Road’s website.

  • The final flood report concludes that the flood models developed by ARTC are fit for purpose, in accordance with national guidelines and industry best practice, and account for the impacts of the reference designs. The report recommends ARTC undertake further actions during both the revised draft EIS and detailed design stages and for a suitably qualified practitioner to review the design against the flood impact objectives and actions at key design stages.

    The findings of the panel will inform the Coordinator-General’s evaluation of the EIS.

    To provide ongoing advice and assurance on the matters raised in the panel’s final report, the Coordinator-General has engaged two of the former panel members, supported by a Geomorphologist.  Their ongoing advice will further inform the Coordinator-General’s evaluation of the EIS.

Independent review into the delivery of Inland Rail

  • On 7 October 2022 the Australian government announced a review into the Inland Rail project to be led by Dr Kerry Schott AO.

    On 6 April 2023, the Australian Government released The Delivery of Inland Rail: An Independent Review by Dr Kerry Schott AO.

    The Australian Government response was also released on 6 April 2023.

The proponent

  • Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited (ARTC) is an Australian Government-owned corporation and current operator of the Australian freight network, managing and maintaining approximately 8500 kilometres of rail network across five states.

    They currently operate under a sub-lease with the Department of Transport and Main Roads on the interstate rail line from Sydney to Brisbane via Bromelton.

Project location

  • The C2K rail line is proposed to be located between Calvert, south-west of Ipswich and Kagaru north of Beaudesert.

    It will generally be located within the existing Southern Freight Rail Corridor, gazetted as future railway land under the Queensland Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 to provide a future rail freight corridor between the existing Queensland Rail West Moreton System rail corridor near Calvert and the existing Interstate Line at Kagaru.

    Commencing at the existing West Moreton System rail corridor, the project traverses to the south-east, passing through the localities of Lanefield, Rosewood, Lower Mount Walker, Ebenezer, Willowbank, Purga, Peak Crossing and Washpool and then deviating through the Teviot Range and Undullah until it joins to the existing Interstate rail line.

    The project would link to the proposed Inland Rail – Helidon to Calvert project at its north-west end and to the proposed Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton section at its south-east end.

    The project spans three local government areas including the Scenic Rim Regional Council and Ipswich and Logan City Council areas.

    The Kagaru-end of the project is within the northern section of the Bromelton State Development Area.

Australian Government approvals

  • Yes. ARTC referred the project to the Australian Government Environment Minister for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and it was determined that the project is a controlled action.

    The State’s evaluation report on the EIS will assess environment matters and make recommendations for the Australian Government to then consider in finalising the evaluation.

    Submissions on the EIS can include matters of national environmental significance.

The EIS process

  • An EIS is the highest form of environmental assessment in Queensland. It involves a rigorous assessment of environmental, social and economic impacts.

    Broadly an EIS is a rigorous and comprehensive environmental impact assessment of a project, involving whole-of-government coordination and public consultation.

    An EIS is prepared in accordance with the terms of reference for the EIS and is publicly notified.

    The EIS provides a comprehensive description of:

    • the current environment in the area of the project
    • all potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the project
    • proponent proposals to avoid, minimise, mitigate and/or offset those potential impacts.

    The impacts include direct, indirect and cumulative impacts resulting from the construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of the project.

  • The State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 sets out the EIS process for declared coordinated projects. The Act states that, after the terms of reference for an EIS is finalised, a proponent has 18 months to provide an EIS that is accepted as addressing the terms of reference.This can require several rounds of public consultation.

    Timeframes for assessment of the final EIS vary depending on project complexities and the standard of information provided by proponents.

    If a proponent needs additional time to prepare and finalise the EIS, they can request an extension of time to the 18-month period allowed for under the Act.

    Details of the timeframes granted for the proponent are available on the government’s EIS process webpage.

    When an EIS is accepted as ‘final’ the evaluation of the EIS proceeds, taking into consideration submissions received, and an evaluation report on the project’s EIS is produced.

  • The terms of reference for the project state what ARTC must include in the draft EIS, including assessments of traffic, noise, air quality, flora, fauna and flooding. As well as an assessment of the social and economic effects of the project.

    The terms of reference also include specific requirements for public consultation to understand specific detail about people’s concerns. ARTC are required to address in the EIS those concerns and the proposed approach to avoid, reduce, manage or mitigate those concerns.

  • On 29 November 2019 the Australian and Queensland Governments signed a Bilateral Agreement for Inland Rail which will enable the delivery of the project in Queensland.

    The Queensland Government through the Department of Transport and Main Roads is working collaboratively with the Australian Rail Track Corporation on environmental planning of the state's requirements and statutory approvals.

  • The Act and the Regulation prescribe certain activities as 'regulated activities' that are likely to have a widespread and irreversible impact on an area of regional interest. The Act and the Regulation do not apply to Queensland Inland Rail projects as these are not 'regulated activities' under the Act or the Regulation. There is no proposal to amend the Act or Regulation in this regard.

  • Potential impacts on strategic cropping land will be fully considered and assessed by the Coordinator-General in the evaluation of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Inland Rail projects. The Coordinator-General encourages all affected landholders and communities to make submissions on the draft EISs for the Inland Rail projects to ensure all impacts are adequately considered.  The proponent for the Inland Rail project, the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), has been required to detail the potential impacts on strategic cropping land and propose avoidance and mitigation measures in the EIS.

Senate inquiry into the management of the Inland Rail project

  • On 17 September 2019, the Senate announced an inquiry into various aspects of Inland Rail. The matter was referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee to consider the management of the Inland Rail project by the ARTC and the Commonwealth Government. The Senate report was tabled on 11 August 2021 which included 26 recommendations.

    The Commonwealth Government response to the report was released on 16 December 2021.

Further information

  • Details of the EIS assessment process, including the project’s initial advice statement, terms of reference and draft EIS documents, are available for viewing at the department’s website.

    You can also contact the government’s EIS process team at

  • For more information regarding the C2K project, other sections of Inland Rail, and ARTC refer to

Last updated: 16 Mar 2023