Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area
Declared in November 2011, the Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area (SDA) is a 214-kilometre rail corridor between the towns of Wandoan and Banana.
It will accommodate the proposed Surat Basin Rail - often referred to as the 'Southern Missing Link' - which will connect the existing Western Railway and Moura Railway systems.
The rail corridor will support the development of new mines in the Surat Basin by enabling the transport of coal via the rail network to the Port of Gladstone for export.
The route was chosen following an analysis of a range of geographic, social, cultural, environmental and engineering design criteria.

The Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area Development Scheme (
304 KB) is a regulatory document that controls planning and development within the Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA.
The current development scheme for the Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area February 2014 was approved by the Governor in Council in March 2014.
The development scheme contains a development assessment framework for making, assessing and deciding applications and requests relating to development within the Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA. The most common of these is an SDA application for a material change of use.
The development scheme is supported by a public consultation policy (
65 KB) that provides information on matters the Coordinator-General may consider when determining whether public consultation of an SDA application is required.
The Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA regulation map (
524 KB) defines the boundary of the declared Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA.
The Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA overview map (
2.3 MB) shows the complete boundary of the declared SDA. It highlights the outline of the corridor segments, which are shown in further detail below:
- Inset map 1 (
565 KB)
- Inset map 2 (
590 KB)
- Inset map 3 (
479 KB)
- Inset map 4 (
513 KB)
- Inset map 5 (
495 KB)
- Inset map 6 (
479 KB)
- Inset map 7 (
574 KB)
- Inset map 1 (
The development scheme was amended in 2014 as a result of a mutual agreement between the Queensland Government and Surat Basin Rail Joint Venture to end an exclusive mandate to develop a rail line from the proposed Wandoan thermal coal mine to Banana.
Earlier versions of the development scheme:
Further information
For further information on the Surat Basin Infrastructure Corridor SDA, contact the Office of the Coordinator-General on 1800 001 048 or via
Last updated: 05 Nov 2021