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Queensland Beef Processing Industry

Our goal is to maintain a globally competitive beef-processing industry in Queensland. We work with industry to boost the economy, create and protect jobs, and support regional communities.

Recent achievements

  • Chaired industry and government working groups to monitor key initiatives and respond to industry issues
  • Developed an industry workforce attraction communications strategy
  • Funded $3.45 million in training subsidies and supported over 1600 trainees and apprenticeships for the beef-processing sector
  • Delivered a school program to high-school students to showcase training and employment pathways into the beef-processing sector
  • Launched the Queensland Freight Model tool, including commodity forecasts to 2041.

Enhancing industry engagement and representation

The Queensland Government works directly with industry to develop and support the beef processing sector and respond to strategic issues.

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning has a network of regional offices working with business and industry to provide strategic support and regional development services throughout Queensland.

Beef processors are also represented at the Ministerial Manufacturing Council and the Ministerial Beef Roundtable meetings.

Ensuring efficient movement of livestock and freight (road and rail)

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has developed the Freight for the Meatworks Sector - Future Directions to provide policy direction to support the freight transport needs of the beef processing industry.

Consultation with beef processing industry stakeholders will inform regional transport plans, livestock transport services contracts, the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program and rail infrastructure upgrades.

This will ensure movement of livestock and freight for the beef processing industry is considered in future transport policy, planning and investment.

Building and retaining a skilled workforce

In collaboration with industry the Queensland Government has developed a new Queensland Beef website to showcase the breadth and diversity of career opportunities available, with details of employment programs, current jobs available, training opportunities and school resources to help students and workers take the next step with employment in one of Queensland’s strongest industries.

Through representation on the Meat Processing Skills and Training Industry Reference Group, industry is engaged to inform and align Queensland Government training and skills priorities and initiatives in relation to vocational education and training (VET) and VET pathways.

The following qualifications have been recently supported (part or fully funded) by the Queensland Government:

  • Certificate III in Meat Processing (Meat Safety)
  • Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Quality Assurance)
  • Meat Processing New Supervisor Skill Set
  • Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Leadership)

A package of school resources focused on beef processing careers, training opportunities and pathways have been collated, for teachers to utilise to inspire and engage students about the diversity of roles and career opportunities available. These resources and details of school programs which provide work learning experiences to high school students are available on the new Queensland Beef website.

Funding contributions towards the cost of training and assessment services are available for eligible Queensland apprentices and trainees under the User Choice program. The following link provides a list of current qualifications and subsidies available under the User Choice Program, including details of apprenticeships and traineeships for the meat processing industry: Qualifications List.

In addition the Certificate 3 Guarantee supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III qualification. This program also supports school students to access training and Queensland's Year 12 graduates to transition to employment by providing free training in high priority qualifications.

Professional development and skill pathways for management has been identified by the beef processing industry as important for career progression and improving business operations. The Queensland Government has established a consolidated online information resource on management, mentoring and leadership courses.

Investing in supply chain and processing efficiency

The Queensland Government is working closely with the beef processing industry to provide information on new manufacturing technology and process improvements and to monitor the innovation needs of the industry.

There are six regional manufacturing hubs in Queensland administered by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water that provide a place for local businesses to receive expert advice and support to transition to advanced manufacturing. The hubs can assist beef processors with improving business and processing efficiencies, demonstrate state-of-the-art technology and assist with workforce development and training needs.

Expert information on world leading manufacturing technology and advanced robotics solutions is also available at the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub located in Brisbane. The ARM Hub team works with business and industry, drawing together scientists, technical specialists, designers and engineers to develop commercial robotic solutions and address some of the industry’s key challenges.

The Queensland Manufacturing Institute (QMI) provides programs and services that are designed to develop and grow Queensland’s manufacturing industry. QMI works directly with business and industry to increase the adoption of leading-edge design, innovation, technologies, processes and practices.

About Queensland’s Beef Processing Industry

Queensland is a significant global beef processor, servicing domestic and global markets with high-quality beef products. In a typical year, almost 50 per cent of all Australian beef and veal products are processed in Queensland.

The beef processing industry directly and indirectly supports regional businesses right through the beef supply chain. It is a major regional employer providing skilled employment opportunities including processing, food technology, trades, administration, professional and marketing roles.

More information

Further enquiries about support available can be directed to

Last updated: 02 Dec 2024