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Mount Isa Transition Fund

The Queensland Government is investing up to $50 million to support workers affected by the pending closure of Glencore’s Mount Isa copper mine and copper concentrator and the Lady Loretta zinc mine. The support package includes up to $20 million for economic structural adjustment through the Mount Isa Transition Fund. A resource acceleration program of up to $30 million is being delivered by Queensland Treasury in conjunction with the Department of Resources. Glencore‘s other regional assets will remain operational.

About the fund

The Mount Isa Transition Fund has been fully allocated.

The objectives of the MITF are to:

  • support job creation in Mount Isa for the local workforce directly impacted by Glencore’s mining and processing closures
  • strengthen the Mount Isa economy, including the Mount Isa small business sector
  • strengthen the liveability and community resilience of Mount Isa.

Projects were considered for funding under two streams:

  • initiatives that strengthen Mount Isa’s economy through immediate job creation and/or worker transition pathways.
  • initiatives that enhance Mount Isa’s attractiveness as a place for people to live and work.

The following applicants have received conditional funding offers in September 2024.

ApplicantProject TitleScope of Project
Agriflex Pty LtdArdmore Phosphate Rock Mine increase in productionExpand the production of the Ardmore Phosphate Rock Mine
NW Commercial Laundry Pty LtdElectrified laundry strengthens Mount Isa’s economy through job creationPurchase of site and construction of an all-electric commercial laundry to service mines, restaurants and other industries in the Mount Isa region and surrounds.
Calibre Engineering Pty LtdCalibre Engineering Mica Creek Facility Expansion and Modernisation ProjectExpand the existing Calibre Engineering Mica Creek Facility shed, including the purchase and installation of an overhead crane.
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationPCYC Mt Isa Club UpgradeUpgrade existing PCYC gym facilities, including installation of an all-weather cover for the existing basketball court to provide an expanded basketball program.
Mount Isa Day Nursery & KindergartenMIDNK Expansion ProjectExpand the capacity of childcare services available in Mount Isa by training new staff, acquiring land and building.
Mount Isa Rugby League Association IncorporatedMount Isa Rugby League - Facility Improvement ProjectUpgrade the existing Mount Isa rugby league sporting field facility in conjunction with Healy State School.
North West Hospital and Health ServiceMount Isa Mental Health HubRefurbish existing leased commercial space to provide office and clinical treatment areas to expand capacity for mental health services provided by the Mount Isa Hospital.
Mount Isa Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services LimitedBurke Street Riverbed RestorationRestore the culturally significant Burke Street Riverbed area and establishment of community access and facilities, including clearing, landscaping, installation of essential services, and provision of vehicle access, shade, toilets and a community yarn circle.
North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services LimitedPioneer Community CentreEstablish a community centre in the Mount Isa suburb of Pioneer, providing centralised access to government and non-government support services for the community.
Mount Isa Campdraft Association IncFacility UpgradeBuild a new ablution block on the Mount Isa Campdraft Grounds.

In addition, up to $5.3 million has been allocated to the Mount Isa City Council to implement viable medium to long term projects identified through their own economic transition strategy.

The Mount Isa and Region Futures Advisory Committee

This committee was established to support the delivery of the fund through place-based advice to the government. Membership of the committee is drawn from representatives of:

  • Glencore
  • Mount Isa City Council
  • Mount Isa Water Board
  • Commerce North West
  • Australian Workers' Union
  • North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services
  • Queensland Resources Council
  • Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate
  • Queensland Government, represented by:
    • Department of Resources
    • Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
    • Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Mount Isa is at the heart of one of the richest minerals provinces in the world, with new critical industry minerals worth a potential $500 billion ready to be mined.

    With Glencore closing its underground copper operations in Mount Isa, we want to protect jobs and retain skilled workers in the region.

    This includes a focus on strengthening the Mount Isa economy, small business, liveability, and community resilience for the future.

  • The Mount Isa Transition Fund (MITF) structural adjustment package is just one approach that supports employment opportunities and encourages the economic revitalisation and community resilience of the Mount Isa region.

    DSDI is committed to an ongoing role in overseeing projects to be funded in the implementation of the MICC’s economic transition strategy which align with the objectives of the MITF.

    The broader transition for the Mount Isa community and economy will continue to be delivered in line with the North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy and the North West Queensland Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 ( 3.8 MB).

    The North West Queensland (including the corridor to Townsville) Regional Transformation Strategy (RTS) aims to build on the unique strengths and advantages of the region to support its long-term transformation.

    Harnessing the region’s world-class natural assets and agriculture industry, and emerging renewable energy industry, the strategy identifies key opportunities for jobs and investment growth in a low-emissions economy.

    These include diversified, value-added agriculture, including First Nations-led opportunities, growth in solar and wind energy, additional minerals (including critical minerals) exploration, supply chain decarbonisation and tourism opportunities.

    Some of these specifically harness opportunities associated with decarbonisation; others provide diversification opportunities as the region transitions over time from carbon-intensive industries.

    The RTS sets-out specific priorities in relation to these industries to support their further development. It aims to ensure the North West Queensland region has a strong future in a low-carbon economy, with a resilient economy, sustainable industries and thriving communities.

    These priorities build on the significant investment already underway in the region, including $5 billion to deliver CopperString 2032 project and over $129 million in 2024-25 under the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program. The RTS details the range of support currently available to the regions to support the transition. This includes $200 million under the Regional Economic Futures Fund to support specific regional transition and the $415.5 million Industry Partnership Program.

    The Queensland Government will continue to consult and partner with communities in the region.

  • Glencore has responsibility under its enterprise agreement to support its workforce to transition. The Queensland Government offers several programs and initiatives to support jobseekers into employment, including self-employment.

    The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) will work with Glencore, Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning North West Queensland Regional Office, TAFE, and the Mount Isa community to identify appropriate services to support job seekers to identify jobs, employment programs, and training opportunities in the region to support their transition.

    To address local workforce needs across the Mount Isa region, the Queensland Government has established a Regional Jobs Committee in Mount Isa.

  • Successful applicants were chosen through a robust assessment process based on an alignment with the program objectives and assessment criteria outlined in the Applicant Guidelines.

Further information

For further questions, please contact the Mount Isa Response team at or (07) 3452 7416.

Last updated: 06 Nov 2024