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Paradise Dam Options Assessment

The Paradise Dam Options Assessment responds to the Queensland Government’s request for  Building Queensland to assess and report on long-term options to ensure water security for the region for future economic growth and to maintain community safety.

Completed in February 2020, Building Queensland’s Options Assessment recommends further technical investigations, structural testing and sampling be undertaken in conjunction with the essential works already underway by Sunwater. The findings from these investigations will be used to inform preliminary designs and cost estimates for three options:

  • maintain the primary spillway height at the level of the essential works (nominally 5 metres below existing spillway level prior to the essential works)
  • raise the primary spillway height to an optimal level (up to the existing full supply level prior to the essential works)
  • lower the primary spillway height to an optimal level (down to a maximum of 10 metres below the existing spillway level prior to the essential works) and explore alternative water supply options.

Dam decommissioning is not recommended.

In parallel, and in consultation with local stakeholders, Sunwater will continue to refine and validate a range of alternative supply options, while Building Queensland undertakes a further detailed demand assessment and further investigate the yield required to meet water security expectations.

These investigations will be undertaken as a matter of priority, allowing the Queensland Government to determine the best options for Paradise Dam.

The Paradise Dam Options Assessment incorporates the Building Queensland Summary Report and supporting reports from our independent advisors. The Options Assessment was informed by a design, cost and risk review of Sunwater’s technical information and an independent definition of service needs, assessment of future water demand, and the multi-criteria assessment of several options.

A high-level review of Economic Costs of Inaction on Paradise Dam report is also provided.


Building Queensland Options Assessment

Design, Cost and Risk Review

Service Needs, Demand Estimates and Options Assessment Report

Review of Economic Costs of Inaction on Paradise Dam

Further information

Paradise Dam Options Assessment briefing

Sunwater’s Essential Works webpage.

Last updated: 09 Nov 2021