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Infrastructure pipelines

There are a number of public and private sector infrastructure pipelines providing industry, potential investors and all levels of government with information about infrastructure projects currently underway.

Additional pipelines will be added to this page in the near future.

Queensland Government

Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline

The Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline demonstrates the government’s commitment to statewide and regional priorities through a regularly updated pipeline of planning investment and proposals. The QGIP provides industry with visibility of the whole-of-government infrastructure pipeline, creating confidence and enabling workforce planning.

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program

The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2017–18 to 2020–21 (QTRIP)is a Department of Transport and Main Roads investment program that outlines current and planned investments in transport and road infrastructure over the next four years. Updated annually, QTRIP includes roads, bridges, railways, marine infrastructure and public transport solutions.

Australian Government

Infrastructure Australia – Infrastructure Priority List
The Infrastructure Australia - Infrastructure Priority List is a prioritised list of nationally significant investments. It provides decision makers with advice and guidance on specific infrastructure investments that will underpin Australia’s continued prosperity.

Industry and business

2017 Major Projects Pipeline Report (QMCA, IAQ and CSQ)
The Queensland Major Contractor’s Association (QMCA), Infrastructure Association Queensland (IAQ) and Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) report identifies $39.1 billion of major engineering construction projects in Queensland, of which almost $20 billion is contributed through private funding. It takes a five year outlook of funded and unfunded projects.

Australia & New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP)
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia’s ANZIP focuses on construction activity greater than $300 million, along with investable greenfield and brownfield opportunities above $100 million.

Last updated: 10 May 2023