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Alpha HPA

Alpha HPA supplies materials to de-carbonise supply chains. It is naturally motivated to de-carbonise its own operations through the use of renewable energy and has committed to sourcing 100% renewable energy for its operations. Alpha HPA has identified a number of downstream production opportunities in the high purity alumina sector, which could be unlocked with larger scale renewable energy generation in central Queensland.

Capability and contribution

Alpha HPA is developing the HPA First Project within the Gladstone State Development Area. The HPA First Project is the commercialisation of Alpha HPA’s world-first aluminium purification technology to manufacture a range of high value, high purity aluminium products for application in key de-carbonising technologies including LED lighting and lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. The HPA First Project already leverages off the Gladstone area aluminium industry for feed material and has partnered closely with Orica Yarwun on the supply and recycle of process reagents and by-products.

Last updated: 18 Nov 2021