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Local economic opportunities network

The local economic opportunities network (LEO network) aims to assist regional councils, industry and communities with industry development and economic growth opportunities.

The LEO network is part of the State Development Regional Office Network and works with key stakeholders to identify, collect and discuss local opportunities and distribute information on government programs and services.

Programs and support

There are programs and support initiatives available for Queensland local governments, businesses and industry.

Business performance, sustainability and energy efficiency

  • Private Sector Pathways Program provides funding to Queensland small to medium enterprises and scaleups to help them find solutions to corporate challenges.
  • ecoBiz assists small to medium sized businesses develop an action plan to improve their resource efficiency and environmental sustainability and reduce operational costs.
  • ESG self-assessment tool helps businesses to understand their current environmental, social and governance (ESG) position, providing a summary report with suggested next steps.
  • CSIRO Kick-Start provides matched funding for start-ups and small to medium enterprises to support: research of a new idea with commercial potential; development of a novel or improved product or process; testing for a novel product or material.
  • Climate Change Risk Management Tool for Small Businesses contains information on climate change, the related risks, and checklists to assess these risks.
  • Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme provides benefits for households and small businesses to help with purchase costs of small-scale renewable energy system (solar, wind or hydro) or eligible hot water system.
  • Energy Efficiency Council's tax incentives guide outlines tax incentives available to Australian businesses that can be leveraged to improve energy performance.
  • Becoming an environmentally friendly business guide outlines the benefits and process for ensuring your business is environmentally friendly, including opportunities to reduce waste and tips for saving energy and lowering energy costs.
  • Building Blocks of ESG is a comprehensive 2 part webinar being held on 19 and 26 March 2025, designed to provide information on how to navigate the evolving landscape of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) principles and requirements.
  • Industry Growth Program supports businesses to undertake the steps necessary to establish the commercialise viability of an innovative product, process or service, including steps to undertake feasibility and proof-of-concept through to prototyping.
  • Business events calendar lists events (online and in-person) that provide advice and assistance to Queensland businesses.
  • Business performance assessment tools provide interactive tools to analyse current business processes and find opportunities to improve business performance.
  • Mentoring for Growth provides free mentoring sessions with experienced business mentors.
  • Business Queensland provides information on starting, growing and operating a business in Queensland.

Agriculture and forestry

  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Program aims to support farmers have better access to knowledge and skills relating to best practice climate-smart sustainable agriculture approaches. Applications close 31 March 2025.
  • Queensland Smart Farms supports AgTech providers, producers and supply chain businesses to trial technology and accelerate development, testing and adoption through use of available smart farms.
  • Support Plantation Establishment program supports the establishment of new long-rotation softwood and hardwood plantation forests in Australia and assists the sector in responding to the projected growth in demand for domestically sourced timber resources. Applications close 8 May 2025.
  • Agrifutures Australia RD&E Investment provides funding for organisations to help conduct research that will improve the sustainability and profitability of new and established rural industries.
  • Farm Management Grants offer primary producers a 50% rebate on the cost of eligible professional advice to produce a Farm Business Resilience Plan for their property.
  • Drought Preparedness Grants Program assists primary producers to undertake on-farm capital improvements to improve drought preparedness.
  • Sustainability Loan provides loans for primary producers and commercial fishers to help them improve their productivity and sustainability.
  • Get Your Business CN30 Ready outlines how meat operators can take action towards carbon neutrality.
  • Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit assists landholders reflect on the various potential benefits and risks associated with on-farm renewable development, as they respond to and negotiate with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects.
  • Energy savings ideas for agricultural businesses guide provides energy savings advice and tips to reduce energy use and save costs.


Clean energy projects and technological developments

  • Advancing Renewables Program  supports development, demonstration and pre-commercial deployment projects including opportunities to optimise the transition to renewable electricity, commercialise clean hydrogen and support the transition to low emissions metals. The Community Batteries Funding Round 2 is now open until 30 April 2025.
  • Battery Breakthrough Initiative aims to promote the development of battery manufacturing capabilities in Australia. View the consultation paper which will inform the program design.
  • Industry Growth Program and Advisory Service supports innovative small and medium enterprises undertaking commercialisation and/or growth projects within the National Reconstruction Fund priority areas including renewables and low emissions technologies.
  • National Reconstruction Fund provides debt finance, equity finance and guarantees for businesses with compelling proposals in priority areas including renewables and low emissions technologies.
  • National Industrial Transformation Program will support the reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions at existing or planned industrial facilities across Australia, including support for technological/commercial readiness of renewable energy/energy efficiency/electrification technologies; upskilling of industrial workforce in new decarbonised activities; technology demonstration, collaboration and knowledge sharing across industry and regions.
  • Solar Sunshot supports innovative solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing facilities in Australia across the solar supply chain.
  • Hydrogen Headstart Round 2 will support large-scale renewable hydrogen production projects. Form to register interest is now available.
  • Regional Microgrids Program supports the development and deployment of microgrid technologies across regional and remote communities in Australia.
  • Research and Development Tax Incentive helps companies innovate and grow by offsetting some of the costs of eligible research and development.
  • Product Stewardship for Oil Program provides financial benefit for businesses that recycle oil or use recycled oil in their operations.
  • Guarantee of Origin scheme aims to provide a mechanism to track and verify emissions associated with hydrogen and other products made in Australia; and provide an enduring mechanism for renewable electricity certification which could support a variety of renewable energy claims.
  • Emissions Reduction Fund earn Australian carbon credit units for every tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent stored or avoided through adopting new practices and technologies.
  • Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme offers landholders, communities and businesses the opportunity to run projects that avoid the release of greenhouse gas emissions or remove and sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Clean Energy Innovation Fund is a specialist climate tech venture capital investor, focused on emerging technologies and businesses with the potential for growth.


  • Digital Solutions Program helps small businesses to adapt and flourish through the adoption of digital business tools that can improve productivity, effectiveness, and aid business growth.
  • Cyber security online resources are available addressing information security management and the new edition of ISO 27001, the internationally used system for keeping businesses cyber secure.
  • Cyber Safety Webinar Series provides an overview of business vulnerabilities to online security, with practical strategies to secure data and effectively plan and respond if a cyber attack occurs. Online series commences 8 May 2025.

Disaster relief

Local government

  • Community Energy Upgrades Fund Program will provide co-funding for energy upgrades at existing local government facilities, to help local governments make their facilities more energy efficient, cut their emissions and reduce their energy bills. Round 2 closes 13 June 2025.
  • Let’s Get it Sorted Partnership Program provides funding for groups of geographically aligned Queensland councils, or lead councils for a Queensland region, to engage a behaviour change coordinator to develop and deliver waste education and behaviour change intervention activities for households.
  • Stronger Communities Programme provides up to $20,000 of funding to deliver small infrastructure projects that provide social benefits for local communities. Closes 28 March 2025.
  • Snapshot Climate tool provides greenhouse gas emissions profiles for Australian councils (local government areas), regions, federal electorates, states and territories which are free to download.


  • ESG communication and compliance masterclass online webinar on 3 April 2025 will outline how to effectively communicate your sustainability effort to win new business, build your brand or attract new customers and employees.
  • Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant Program Round 2 provides up to $50,000 for Queensland-based manufacturers to improve energy efficiency measures and technology, reduce energy usage, costs and emissions. Open until 30 June 2025 or until all funding is allocated.
  • Manufacturing Sustainability Benchmark Program helps manufacturers understand their sustainability progress with an online benchmark assessment. The report provides detailed results and recommended actions for improvement.
  • Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program Round 4 supports eligible manufacturing small to medium enterprises in the Cairns, Townsville, Central Queensland, Mackay and the Gold Coast to become more productive, build advanced manufacturing capabilities and create the jobs of the future through: technology adoption; skills and training; business development; and advanced robotic manufacturing hub services. Open until 30 June 2025, or until all funding is allocated.
  • Defence Industry Development Grants Program will fund small to medium enterprises to build Australia’s sovereign capability, global competitiveness, technical superiority and national security.
  • Certain Inputs to Manufacture reduce importing costs for Australian manufacturers of eligible goods.

Minerals and resources sector

Precincts and infrastructure

  • Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program offers grants to deliver infrastructure projects within regional precincts in partnership with local stakeholders to benefit regional communities, with intended outcomes including, but not limited to, transitioning to a net zero economy or supporting Australia’s emission reduction goals.

Purchasing renewable energy

  • Council & Business PPA Training Program provides free training on renewable energy power purchase agreement (PPA) contracts, for businesses and councils looking at purchasing renewable energy. Registration is now open for Buyer’s Bootcamp 27-28 May 2025.

Social Enterprise



Queensland Government initiatives and resources

Search Queensland Government initiatives and strategies.

Category Action or strategy
Agriculture Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit assists landholders respond to and negotiate with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects.
Agriculture Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022-2032 will assist Queensland agribusinesses and the broader supply chain to lower their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions without impacting the supply of food and fibre.
Agriculture Farm Business Resilience Planning provides access to training and assists in preparing a farm management plan.
Agriculture Farm Management Grants Program offers primary producers a 50 per cent rebate on the cost of eligible professional advice up to a maximum $2,500 to produce a Farm Business Resilience Plan for their property.
Agriculture Drought Preparedness Grants Scheme offer up to $50,000 as a co-contribution grant to assist primary producers undertake on-farm capital improvements to improve drought preparedness.
Agriculture AgTech Roadmap aims to drive technological innovation in the sector.
Agriculture Agriculture Sector Adaptation Plan highlights adaptation activities and considers gaps and barriers to climate risk management and adaptation in the sector.
Agriculture Queensland Agriculture and Food Research, Development and Extension 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan provides support for sectoral innovation and the development of agri-technology.
Business Decarbonisation of the Great Barrier Reef Island Program worked with island resorts and communities to develop operations for decarbonisation.
Business Great Barrier Reef Island Resorts Rejuvenation program delivers ‘greening’ initiatives to improve sustainability practices.
Business ecoBiz works with more than 1,100 small to medium enterprises to improve resource efficiency, environmental sustainability and lower their operating costs.
Communities Decarbonising Remote Communities program provides support to Doomadgee, Mapoon, Pormpuraaw and the Northern Peninsula Area to install renewable energy systems and reduce diesel power. This program is now completed.
Communities Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North-West Minerals Province has actions to facilitate the resource sector development, diversify the region’s economy to create job opportunities, and deliver integrated services for businesses and community.
Communities Communities in Transition Pilot Program is assisting six Queensland communities to navigate global transitions for long-term viability and sustainability.
Communities Queensland Climate Resilient Councils works with Queensland local governments to deliver services and products to strengthen staff and leadership skills and capacity to plan for and respond to the challenges and opportunities arising from climate change.
Communities Regional Economic Futures Fund supports communities in seizing industry development opportunities presented by global decarbonisation.
Construction Zero Net Emissions 2050 Buildings Plan includes:
  • developing building-related strategies to deliver commitments in the Queensland Climate Transition Strategy
  • develop Queensland Development Codes to provide appropriate standards for green roofs and green walls and to guide maintenance of the energy efficiency features in commercial buildings
  • drive the national agenda to improve the sustainability performance of new privately-owned dwellings and commercial buildings by updating the National Construction Code.
Construction Brisbane 2032 Climate Positive Olympic and Paralympic Games preparation including information on the sustainability strategies for a climate positive Games.
Construction Infrastructure Sustainability Council conduct mandatory assessment of major project sustainability.
Construction Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council's Building Code Energy Performance Trajectory Project aims to reduce stress on the electricity network, offering bill savings, supporting a least-cost pathway to a zero carbon built environment, and improving health and resilience outcomes for households and businesses.
Construction Queensland Building Plan guides policy and legislation to create a safer, fairer and more sustainable construction industry.
Energy Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Roadmap (PDF) lays out a framework to support communities and the environment and strategically connect around 22 gigawatts of new grid-scale renewable energy in 12 potential locations across Queensland.
Energy Powering Queensland Plan guides the state through the short-term and long-term challenges facing Australia's energy markets. This includes the Renewables 400 program which identified best projects to increase the state’s renewable energy supply and deliver 400 MW of new renewable energy and storage projects through the state.
Energy Solar Farm Guidelines - Renewable energy project planning and approvals is a practical guidelines for communities, landholders and project proponents and provides guidance to developers on planning, designing, and constructing solar farms in Queensland
Energy Renewable energy project planning and approvals site provides links and guidance for development of renewable energy projects (solar and wind). Includes link to Solar Farm Guidelines: Guidance for local governments (pdf)
Energy Queensland Battery Industry Strategy provides an outline of support for the development, manufacture and deployment of new energy storage technologies in Queensland.
EnergyBattery Supply Chain Database will assist battery technology companies identify national business and supply chain opportunities to support domestic production.
EnvironmentQueensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020–2030 supports the growth, better management and sustainability of the state’s protected areas, including extraordinary national parks and private protected areas.
Environment Land Restoration Fund will expand carbon farming in Queensland by supporting land management projects that not only keep carbon in the ground, but also deliver positive impacts or ‘co-benefits’ for our environment and communities.
AgricultureDrought and Climate Adaptation Program helps producers better manage drought and climate impacts, with research, development and extension projects facilitated by the Queensland Drought Mitigation Centre.
AgricultureLong Paddock provides climate science resources to support the agriculture sector to improve decision-making in a variable and changing climate.
Environment Queensland Future Climate Dashboard provides climate projection data and other risk assessment resources for the agriculture sector.
Environment Vegetation management legislation has increased the proception of high-value regrowth and remnant vegetation.
Industry developmentRegional Economic Futures Fund will support communities seize industry development opportunities presented by global decarbonisation.
Industry development Queensland Mining Equipment, Technology and Services 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan supports growth of the sector.
Industry development Queensland new-industry development strategy supports seizing the opportunities that global decarbonisation brings for Queensland.
Industry development Queensland Hydrogen Investor Toolkit - Resources to assist investors planning to undertake hydrogen project developments in Queensland. Hydrogen industry development site provides information of the Queensland Hydrogen Strategy and development fund
Manufacturing Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan provides an integrated approach to positioning Queensland as a leader in advanced manufacturing and to capture the opportunities associated with Industry 4.0.
Manufacturing Queensland manufacturing hubs provide a place for local manufacturing businesses to receive expert advice and support to transition to advanced manufacturing.
Renewable energy developmentQueensland Energy and Jobs Plan: Community Partnerships and Enabling Frameworks provides an update of the initiatives and support for Queensland’s energy transformation.
Renewable energy developmentQueensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund Designed to increase Government Owned Corporations' ownership of commercial renewable energy and hydrogen projects (and supporting infrastructure). Projects may be in partnership with private sector companies.
Renewable energy development ARENA Microgrid Pilots program supports pilot demonstrations of microgrid technologies in rural and regional Australia. Supports feasible projects that demonstrate solutions to technical, regulatory or commercial barriers to the deployment of microgrid technologies.
Renewable energy developmentRenewable energy project planning and approvals site provides links and guidance for development of renewable energy projects (solar and wind). Includes link to Solar Farm Guidelines: Guidance for local governments.
Renewable energy developmentClimate action for Business and Industry provides a guide to actions a business can take to increase profitability and capitalise on future opportunities and become more sustainable and manage climate risk
Renewable energy developmentQueensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy and Hydrogen Taskforce to support the development, production, consumption and export of hydrogen from Queensland.
Renewable energy development Implementing the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP) which will include:
Renewable energy developmentQueensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan provides Queensland’s vision for the sector as well as providing industry insights and achievements.
Renewable energy developmentQueensland Biofuels mandate sets out minimum requirements for the sale of biobased petrol and biobased diesel.
Resources Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan supports new economy minerals, circular economy in mining and the development of Queensland’s battery industry strategy.
Resources New Economy Minerals Initiative:
  • invests in exploration activities to improve the scientific understanding of geosciences data needed by industry to locate and define mineral deposits
  • includes a partnership with UQ’s Sustainable Minerals Institute to develop sustainable methods of extracting rare earth elements.
  • includes how circular economy principles can be applied in mining.
Resources Bowen Basin Gas Pipeline concept study to reduce fugitive emissions in the coal sector.
Resources Collaborative Exploration Initiative provides funding for new exploration programs.
Resources Queensland Mining Equipment, Technology and Services 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan provides a vision for the sector’s growth, with a focus on collaboration and opportunities to bring innovative ideas to market, with $8 million worth of initiatives.
Resources Queensland Resource Industry Development Plan provides a vision to shift the resources industry into recognising the global shift to a low carbon economy.
Skills and trainingTradies for the Transition (PDF) is Queensland’s renewable energy attraction and retention strategy.
Skills and trainingHydrogen Industry Workforce Development Roadmap 2022-2032 prepares Queenslanders to participate in hydrogen opportunities and ensure the industry can access the workers it needs.
Skills and trainingAdvanced Manufacturing Skills: A Skills, Training and Workforce Development Strategy for the Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Queensland supports the development workforce skills in the sector.
Skills and trainingManufacturing Skills Queensland was established through the Future Skills Fund to support current and new manufacturing workers.
Skills and trainingAdvanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project. Partnership with the Queensland Manufacturing Institute.
Skills and training Queensland's Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap provides direction to further develop Queensland's highly skilled workforce to support the continued growth of the state's clean energy industry.
Skills and trainingVocational education and training programs provide targeted investment to assist industry and employers train and upskill their current and future workforce.
Transport Zero Emission Vehicle strategy and Action Plan sets out initiatives to be progressed over the next 2 years to increase zero emission vehicle uptake across Queensland communities, businesses, and government fleets.
Transport The Future is Electric: Queensland’s Electric Vehicle Strategy will prepare for a transition to a greater uptake of EVs ensuring that Queensland is in the best position to capture the benefits and opportunities that these vehicles bring.
Transport Queensland Electric Super Highway connects electric vehicle drivers across our state and includes fast charging locations to a range of coastal and inland locations.
Transport Climate Change Risk Assessments for Infrastructure Projects expansion to improve the sustainability and climate resilience of transport infrastructure, through reducing whole-of-life emissions.
Transport Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure outlines the principals for planning electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Priority Development Areas in Qld, to support the selection of the right type of infrastructure at the right location.

Contact the LEO network

Get in touch with your LEO network team member at the State Development regional offices to learn about the economic opportunities available to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The LEO network can:

    • be a key point of contact within government for renewable energy, decarbonisation and other regional opportunities
    • ensure regional stakeholders are kept informed on current government programs, policies and other initiatives
    • provide a mechanism to engage with the regions on key issues and coordinate potential whole of government support
    • facilitate communication between local stakeholders, agencies and all tiers of government
    • identify resources, policy changes and regulatory frameworks required to seize opportunities and manage risks
    • identify major projects and diversification opportunities and provide investment facilitation and local supply chain support
  • Decarbonisation is the process of significantly reducing or eliminating carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. This includes the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from energy production, and from other activities undertaken by communities, businesses and households.

  • Historically, Queensland has relied on carbon-based industries, such as coal mining and coal-fired power stations as a source of electricity generation, employment and trade. Queensland’s economy is now shifting to diversify our energy mix and meet the challenges presented by climate related impacts.

    Decarbonisation is a global economic force and capturing the associated opportunities presents a new wave of economic growth for the state. Queensland’s expertise in mining, and rich, natural resources which are essential to developing a global low-emissions economy, have driven considerable investment interest. Increased global demand for critical minerals, hydrogen exports and biofuels production can be leveraged to grow regional economies.

  • The LEO network is part of existing departmental delivery for regional offices and not subject to additional resources or discrete funding arrangements.

    It will improve whole of government coordination and information dissemination relating to industry and regional development. The network can assist you by navigating the support available and providing you with the most relevant information.

  • This webpage is updated regularly as new information becomes available, providing details of current funding programs, government initiatives and case studies.  In addition the LEO network officer for your region can provide you with specific support to navigate the information available.

Further resources

Decarbonisation stories in Queensland

Read about the work already underway on our news page.

Last updated: 20 Mar 2025