Total Asset Management Plan framework
The Total Asset Management Plan (TAMP) Framework is the whole-of-government policy for managing Queensland Government non-current assets.
The policy facilitates a coordinated approach to asset management. The TAMP Framework will ensure that asset planning is transparent and consistent across the Queensland Government.
The delivery of new assets can be expensive and takes a long time from planning through to operation. The government needs to ensure that both current and future assets support service delivery objectives in the most effective and financially responsible way.
TAMP information plays a vital role in developing agency capital programs.
Benefits of TAMP Framework
The benefits of the TAMP Framework include:
- providing a consistent and transparent whole-of-government reporting structure for asset management, allowing for comparative analysis of asset treatment
- encouraging the consideration of non-asset based solutions for service delivery by taking into account maintenance, operational and disposal alternatives
- encouraging a balanced assessment of asset lifecycle management, and efficient asset utilisation, by providing a transparent insight into asset condition, capacity, useful life, maintenance issues, level of service and performance deficiencies
- aligning capital works programs and asset management practices with government policies by providing greater clarity of how assets facilitate the delivery of services to the community
- assisting whole-of-government asset management practices by informing decision makers about the resource requirements necessary for a given service level
- identifying implications of new policy initiatives in terms of asset requirements and associated maintenance and operational costs
- assisting the preparation of agency capital programs, published in Budget Paper 3 – Capital Statement and the State Infrastructure Plan Part B: Program.
Last updated: 24 Feb 2025