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Infrastructure productivity and workforce

The Infrastructure Productivity and Workforce Roadmap ( 1.3 MB) is a joint industry-government roadmap and action plan to improve productivity and workforce outcomes to support delivery of infrastructure across Queensland has been released.

The roadmap will help address the challenges facing the industry, such as record levels of demand, a severe labour shortage, enduring low levels of productivity and poor workforce outcomes.

It provides a strategic framework to focus future government and industry efforts. This will help boost productivity and enhance outcomes of our workforce involved in public-sector infrastructure delivery. It sets out how this can be done by improving the performance and efficiencies in infrastructure investment, planning, delivery and operations.

The roadmap:

  • sets out a pathway for the construction workforce and productivity of the sector
  • increases skilled labour, job creation and improving workforce diversity
  • improving local market capacity and capability in regional communities.

Five key areas where government and industry will collaborate are:

List of key areas: commerical; governance and frameworks; innovation, digital and data; skills and training; workforce wellbeing and diversity.

Action plan

The action plan supports the roadmap by outlining initial actions by government and industry.

It identifies a range of initiatives to address market challenges, ensuring Queensland remains competitive and is an attractive place to invest and work.

There are 24 initial actions, eight of which are being led by industry.

Future updates will be developed with industry over time.


The roadmap and action plan were developed in partnership with industry, particularly via input from our Infrastructure Industry Steering Committee.

This collaborative work will help address challenges facing the industry, improve productivity and workforce outcomes to support industry prosperity and sustainability.

Regional communities

Infrastructure delivery is more challenging in regional and remote Queensland. A key goal of the roadmap and action plan is to improve infrastructure delivery outcomes for regional communities.

Initiatives include:

  • a pilot project in Cairns exploring new ways of coordinating infrastructure procurement and delivery to grow local industry capacity.
  • Queensland Government targets to accelerate the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction
  • the exploration of a Digital Twin for South-East Queensland.

Further information

Find out more about the State Infrastructure Strategy, which sets out the government’s infrastructure priorities for Queensland’s Big Build.

Last updated: 02 Dec 2024