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Regional Infrastructure Plans

Regional infrastructure plans are a key element of the State Infrastructure Strategy – our 20-year infrastructure vision for Queensland.

Regional infrastructure plans will take a place-based approach to ensure regionally significant infrastructure needs are considered and prioritised.

Infrastructure is the backbone to boosting productivity, growing our economy creating jobs, improving liveability, driving innovation and building strong and resilient communities. Place-based infrastructure plans for the regions help to make this happen.

A plan for each of the seven regions will be developed in consultation with regional stakeholders.

Regional infrastructure plan - regional boundaries map

Central and Western Queensland

The first regional infrastructure plan released is the Central and Western Queensland Infrastructure Plan (CWQIP).

Far North Queensland

The Far North Queensland Infrastructure Plan has been released and will inform the current reviews of the Far North Queensland Regional Plan and the Cape York Regional Plan.

Darling Downs and South West

Stakeholder engagement for this region is planned to commence in late 2024.

South East Queensland

The South East Queensland Infrastructure Supplement has been released to support ShapingSEQ 2023, integrating land use and infrastructure planning.

Wide Bay Burnett

The Wide Bay Burnett Infrastructure Supplement was released alongside the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan in December 2023. It helps prioritise infrastructure to enhance liveability and economic opportunities.

Greater Whitsunday

Stakeholder engagement for this region is planned to commence in late 2024.

North and North Western Queensland

Stakeholder engagement for this region is planned to commence in late 2024.

Last updated: 18 Dec 2024