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Wide Bay Burnett

More than 300,000 people call the Wide Bay Burnett region home and with an additional 48,500 people moving to this region by 2041, we are carefully planning and prioritising for the future.

This region is known for agriculture, manufacturing, renewable energy and tourism, and the Wide Bay Burnett Infrastructure Supplement (WBBIS) is helping deliver key priorities for the region, shaped by consultation.

The WBBIS supports the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan and together they support the region’s identified economic opportunities in key sectors and regional liveability.

There are three strategic priorities guiding the WBBIS:

  1. Growing our people and places
  2. Taking charge of our economic future
  3. Sustaining our environment and lifestyle

The WBBIS will inform the strategic planning of all levels of government, business and industry to support a more coordinated approach to sequencing and prioritising infrastructure planning and investment.

Download the Wide Bay Burnett Infrastructure Supplement ( 3.1 MB).

How was this supplement developed

The WBBIS was developed drawing on the development and consultation for the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan.

We engaged with key regional stakeholders including all levels of government to ensure the WBBIS reflected the vision for the region and the supporting infrastructure priorities.

Implementation and review

The Queensland Government supports a more place-based approach to infrastructure planning to ensure it contributes to the realisation of the priorities in the WBBIS.

The WBBIS will be reviewed and expanded into a full infrastructure plan in two years and then reviewed every two years, to ensure it remains current and aligned with Government and regional stakeholder priorities.

Contact us

The department has two regional offices in the Wide Bay Burnett region, the Bundaberg Burnett Regional Office, and the Fraser Coast and Gympie Regional Office.

These are two of our 11 offices across Queensland helping businesses mature, grow and invest.

We provide support via one-on-one interactions, information, presentations and workshops.

Last updated: 04 Oct 2024