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South East Queensland (SEQ) City Deal

The South East Queensland City Deal brings partners together to support one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia.

Vision and outcomes

SEQ is a major economic gateway, home to world-class innovators, researchers, producers and entrepreneurs. An increasing population size in Queensland will demand more from the region’s amenities, services and infrastructure.

Deal commitments will support a more connected region, with digital and transport connectivity that can drive productivity and deliver greater mobility for people and goods. Investments in transport systems and faster connections will help to reduce congestion and enable better access to jobs, services and recreation.

The City Deal will also work to unlock new economic development corridors for trade and enterprise by leveraging opportunities in fast growing sub-regions. Investments will enhance prosperity in SEQ through more affordable living options, more efficient freight movements and improved coordination of services.

The three levels of government will also invest in urban and social infrastructure to assist the region to respond sustainably to rapid population growth. Projects will deliver improved management of the region’s green and blue environmental assets, and support the transition to a circular economy.

  • Accelerating future jobs for SEQ

    • Support the shift to an innovative and knowledge intensive region, enabled by world-class digital connectivity.
    • Seek opportunities to build high-value employment in advanced manufacturing, agribusiness , transport, logistics and innovation sectors.
    • Enable SEQ to become a more export competitive region.
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    Graph with a trend line pointing upwards
  • A faster more connected SEQ region

    • Enable greater and faster mobility for people and goods throughout the region by making new investments in transport systems and connection.
    • Support the region's  economic development with an integrated transport system that accommodates future growth, reduces congestion and enhances productivity.
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    Delivery truck
  • A more liveable SEQ

    • Deliver a healthy, sustainable and liveable region through new investments in urban amenities, blue and green environmental assets, and transitioning to a circular economy.
    • Enhance the region's natural environment to support its sustainability and liveability .
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    leaves in a circular pattern
  • Creating thriving communities for SEQ

    • Unlock new economic development corridors for trade and enterprise by leveraging employment and investment opportunities in fast growing subregions.
    • Enhance prosperity in SEQ thorough improved housing choice, more affordable living options, better access to jobs and improved coordination of services.
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    three people with a plus icon above

To achieve this, it will deliver investments to support:

  • Waste management and recycling

  • Freight, transport and logistics

  • Technology assets and skills base

  • Digital infrastructure

  • Small business efficiency

  • Sustainable development

  • Housing

  • Green infrastructure

  • Natural spaces within the urban environment

Transforming our region’s future together

The Deal coordinates collaboration between the three levels of government in partnership with the private sector. This supports SEQ’s vision to grow into a connected region that competes globally.

Growth will bring both opportunities and challenges – not just locally, but also for the state and national economy. That’s why the plan seeks to generate long-lasting benefits for the community.

A - Kangaroo Point Green Bridge

B - Brisbane Metro – Woolloongabba Station

C - Brisbane Metro – South Bank Transport Study

D - Loganlea-Meadowbrook Infrastructure

E - Dunwich Ferry Terminal Upgrade

F - Ipswich to Springfield Public Transport Corridor Options Analysis

G - Southern Gateway Strategic Corridor Planning

H - Brisbane Valley Highway Safety Upgrades

I - Blue Heart Sunshine Coast

J - First Nations Cultural Centre Detailed Business Case

K - Water Initiatives in the Lockyer Valley

L - Bromelton State Development Area Business Case

M - Growth Area Compact

N - Toowoomba Railway Parklands

O - Wellcamp Entertainment Precinct

Region-wide reform initiatives are not mapped

About South East Queensland

South East Queensland is home to more than 3.8 million people – that’s one in seven Australians.

It’s also one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. By 2041, the population is expected to grow to over 5.4 million residents. This increasing population demands more from the region’s amenities, services and infrastructure. Supporting this growth requires a united community with a strong strategic vision.

SEQ is a major economic gateway. It’s home to world-class innovators, researchers, producers and entrepreneurs. As an emerging powerhouse, SEQ has thriving industries and businesses offering opportunities for employment, lifestyle, innovation, and investment.

The SEQ City Deal reflects confidence in SEQ’s future and a commitment to transform the region’s future together. Investments will work to deliver an export-competitive, knowledge-intensive region with a diverse range of local jobs.


The SEQ City Deal is all about working together to create one region that’s connected locally and competing globally.

To achieve this, the Deal will focus on four themes.

Accelerating future jobs for SEQ

A faster, more connected SEQ region

A more liveable SEQ

Creating thriving communities for SEQ

SEQ fast facts

Progress since signing

The three levels of government are already delivering for local communities throughout South East Queensland:

    • Building high-value employment opportunities
      • Ten out of eleven Local Government members of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) have adopted the Small Business Friendly Charter, demonstrating their commitment to long-term regulatory harmonisation.
    • Supporting the region’s economic development with an integrated transport system that accommodates future growth, reduces congestion, and enhances productivity
      • Construction of the Kangaroo Point Green Bridge commenced in late 2021 and completion is expected in 2024, providing safer pedestrian and active transport connections.
      • The first phase of targeted safety upgrades along the Brisbane Valley Highway has been completed and further works are expected to begin in mid-2023.
    • Planning has commenced for the delivery of a new Brisbane Metro station at Woolloongabba to improve transport connectivity and reduce congestion.
    • Scoping of the Brisbane Metro South Bank Transport Study has commenced with the final report targeted for completion in early 2024.
    • Enhancing the region’s natural environment to support its sustainability and liveability
      • Planning for the next phase of the Resilient Rivers Initiative designed to improve management and health of SEQ rivers is underway.
      • The Blue Heart Initiative continues to support the preservation of the Maroochy River Catchment to establish wetlands to act as a flood storage area, supporting complex wetland and floodplain ecosystems to support habitat for native flora and fauna.
    • Progressing scoping for how Deal commitments will contribute to the delivery of Thriving communities in the region
      • Commencement of the Caboolture West Interim Structure Plan on 14 March 2023, providing a regulatory framework to support the assessment and approval of 13,000 new homes, across approximately half of Caboolture West.



Australian Government Smart Cities Plan published. City Deals Memorandum of Understanding signed in November.


Publication of Shaping SEQ Regional Plan in August.


SEQ Economic Foundations Paper published in January


Queensland Government & Council of Mayors (SEQ) published TransformingSEQ: the SEQ City Deal Proposition in February. Statement of Intent signed on 15 March between three levels of government committing to design and implement a City Deal for SEQ region.


SEQ City Deal agreement signed on 21 March.


The SEQ City Deal agreement was signed on 21 March 2022 by the Australian Government, Queensland Government and Council of Mayors (SEQ). The accompanying Deal document sets out the vision, objectives and commitments.

The SEQ City Deal Implementation Plan ( 43.3 MB) was released in July 2023 and provides details about how the Deal will be delivered, commitment milestones and funding arrangements.

For further information on how the Deal partners are collaborating on delivery and tracking progress of commitments see:

SEQ City Deal - Delivery

First Nations Acknowledgement

The partners to the South East Queensland (SEQ) City Deal would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land of the Badtjala, Barunggam, Bundjalung Dungibara, Giabal, Gubbi Gubbi, Jagera, Jarowair, Jinibara, Kabi Kabi, Kitabul, Quandamooka, Turrbal, Ugarapul, Wakka Wakka, Yugambeh and Yaggera people.

We wish to acknowledge and respect their continuing connection to land, waters and culture, and the contribution they make to the life of this region. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Further information and Frequently Asked Questions

Further information on City Deals is available from:

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Last updated: 24 Feb 2025