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Implementation projects

Momentum is building with the delivery of a number of projects identified within The Spit Master Plan. The Gold Coast Waterways Authority is leading the implementation of community infrastructure projects, together with City of Gold Coast with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

The Spit Works Program

Following The Spit Development Minister’s approval of the Gold Coast Waterways Authority initial four-year Works Program in 2020, delivery of significant community infrastructure and public realm improvements on The Spit has continued. Master plan implementation projects totalling $60 million are being delivered by the Gold Coast Waterways Authority and the City of Gold Coast in partnership with the Queensland Government.

The Gold Coast Waterways Authority is leading consultation with the Gold Coast community on implementing The Spit Master Plan. View current and forthcoming consultation activities.

  • This shared pathway provides a vital connection to Doug Jennings Park for pedestrians and cyclists, linking from the pathway that used to terminate at the Seaworld Conference Centre, directly adjoining the Muriel Henchman precinct.

    The pathway provides a safer and more enjoyable journey to the top of The Spit and includes a section of retaining walls to reduce erosion adjacent to Seaworld Drive and protect existing below-ground infrastructure. This project was completed in 2021 by the Queensland Government.

  • Community facilities have been upgraded on Moondarewa Spit, with the creation of a three-metre-wide pedestrian and cycleway path about 665 metres long, following the perimeter of the existing road. Along the pathway, new seating areas provide places to stop and view migratory shorebirds across the Broadwater.

    New toilet and shower facilities for park and beach users have been delivered with works including improvements to the environmental values and protection for the area against erosion with native shade tree planting. This project was completed in 2021 by Gold Coast Waterways Authority with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

  • The pre-existing uneven Seaway Promenade surface was upgraded with a new, all abilities accessible pathway. The four-metre-wide pathway now runs the full 675 metre length of the Promenade and includes a terraced destination feature providing 360-degree views from the Broadwater to Surfers Paradise.

    The Seaway Promenade is supported by new seating areas, shelters, picnic tables and landscaping to enhance foreshore recreational open space. Works also delivered new emergency access stairs to improve access to the seaway.

    This project was completed in June 2021 by Gold Coast Waterways Authority with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

    The Moondarewa Spit improvements and Seaway Promenade have achieved local, state and national recognition with the following:

    • 2023 Gold Coast Urban Design Award of Excellence
    • 2022 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects National award for Parks and Open Space
    • 2022 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Qld award of Excellence Parks and Open Space Queensland
    • Featured in the Gold Coast Open House 2021.
  • This new multi-purpose facility provides an accessible boarding point improving on-water transport access to The Spit and Doug Jennings Park. The 100-metre-long jetty offers unique views over Marine Stadium and creates new opportunities for fishing, recreation and relaxation over the water.

    This project was completed in 2023 by Gold Coast Waterways Authority with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

    The Spit Master Plan Achievement:

    • Connecting to the City - Develop a multi-purpose water-access facility in Marine Stadium providing an opportunity for a ferry connection to The Top of The Spit during events.
    • Outcome 1.8 In the Marine Stadium a jetty and boardwalk provide for promenading over the water and access for ferries, initially operating only during events and eventually providing a regular service. A kiosk serves the needs of daytime visitors.
  • This six-month study investigated the hydrodynamics of Marine Stadium to assess the tidal exchange between Marine Stadium and The Broadwater. Computer analysis of possible solutions to improve water conditions demonstrated that a management option that reduces the opportunity for illegal discharges and distances vessels from recreational users is recommended.

    This recommendation is being used to inform future planning for Marine Stadium to support improved water conditions for recreational activities.

    This investigation was completed in 2022 by Gold Coast Waterways Authority with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

  • Upgrades to reduce congestion and improve boat access to the Broadwater. The project will provide:

    • six boat ramp lanes
    • upgraded pontoon
    • floating walkway
    • 160 trailer parks
    • 144 car parks
    • 6 car parks for people with disabilities
    • new pathways, landscaping and public toilets
    • improved shade.

    Practical completion is targeted for mid-August 2024. This project is led by Gold Coast Waterways Authority with funding provided by the Queensland Government, City of Gold Coast and Gold Coast Waterways Authority.

  • 37 hectares of critically endangered littoral rainforest and coastal vegetation will be created and supported with a permanent irrigation system to assist restoration of native forest into a healthy and biodiverse system. This green peninsula will provide a platform for learning and interaction for the benefit of future generations.

    A landscape concept plan has been delivered in consultation with community groups and the irrigation system has been installed. Planting commenced in April 2024, with anticipated project completion by mid-2027.

    City of Gold Coast is leading the project funded by the Queensland Government and the Federal Government.

  • This all-ability accessible Oceanway will connect Philip Park, Muriel Henchman Park and the SeaWorld Drive Shared Pathway revitalising the existing eastern pathway through the Federation Walk Coastal Reserve.

    Utilising alignments of existing links it will reduce the need for vegetation removal. Minor realignments may be required to reduce grades allowing for all ability community access to the ocean. City of Gold Coast is leading this connection with funding provided by the Queensland Government.

  • The Department of Resources has surveyed the landmass and registered the Curlew Island land parcel as an Environmental Reserve under the Land Act 1994. This allows Curlew Island to be protected and maintained for its significant environmental values. Educational signage was installed on Curlew Island in 2023 funded by the Queensland Government.

  • The Queensland Government committed $2.87 million, City of Gold Coast $2.4 million and Southport Yacht Club $3.7 million to help deliver a superyacht berth at the Southport Yacht Club to create more jobs in the rapidly growing superyacht industry. This crucial infrastructure was officially opened by Michael Healy, Member for Cairns, Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development and Government’s Superyacht Strategy Champion, on 16 February 2022.

    This superyacht berth is a critical component of the Queensland Superyacht Strategy 2018-23. It's the first initiative supported by the $25 million Growing Tourism Infrastructure fund for shovel-ready projects as part of the Queensland Government’s Unite and Recover economic recovery strategy.

    The Southport Yacht Club estimates the superyacht berth, located adjacent to Jack Gordon Park, supported up to 30 jobs during the construction phase, with many more supported as a result of the project. The new berth will cater for more and larger boats opening up the Gold Coast to some of the world’s largest and most luxurious yachts, benefitting businesses across the region.

  • To guide the development of distinctly memorable public spaces on The Spit as identified in the master plan, a series of supporting design publications have been developed, with the following three in use.

    The Spit Public Realm Guidelines ( 4.6 MB), sets out design characteristics and a minimum accepted standard of materials and finishes covering various elements of the public realm. The guidelines assist in creating a unique look and feel with consistent elements across The Spit supporting public realm projects to contribute to the vision of The Spit, as outlined in the master plan.

    Creating distinct visual identities for public spaces helps establish integrated destination planning and management that adds value to the economy and social fabric. The Spit Identity Strategy ( 7.6 MB) sets out the cohesive visual identities created for both The Spit as a whole and a series of distinct but connected visual identities for the master plan precincts. The strategy sets a consistent visual style that celebrates how The Spit shines as the Gold Coast’s park for nature and play and ensures The Spit is easily recognised as a destination. Designs from the strategy are in use, with the new street furniture installed along the Seaway Promenade and Moondarewa Spit taking inspiration from pandanus and turtle as part of the strategy’s hero flora and fauna motifs.

    The Spit Wayfinding and Interpretive Signage Guidelines ( 64.1 MB) expands on the master plan’s vision to enhance the community and visitor’s ability to navigate, experience, and learn from The Spit’s rich, varied environments and history. The Signage Guidelines specify signage selection, siting, graphic design, construction and installation requirements to implement a destination brand. Delivery of signage across the public realm will enhance navigation and understanding of The Spit and connect community and visitors with the landscape.

  • The Spit Master Plan identified a number of undeveloped state-owned land parcels to be released to the market for commercial development.

    As the first commercial land releases on The Spit since the late 1990s, the sites present excellent opportunities for investors to help contribute to a world-class precinct. The sites will attract proposals, consistent with the vision and outcomes of the Masterplan for mixed-use resort, tourism, retail, hospitality and marina developments.

    Developments will have a maximum height limit of three storeys and 15 metres as set out in the masterplan and the Planning Regulation 2017.

    Successful developers will be issued long-term leases to support the commercial development of the sites with freehold title to be retained by the State.

  • Following a rigorous two-stage expression of interest process Gordon Corporation Pty Ltd was announced as the successful proponent to develop the Village Centre south site.

    The department worked closely with stakeholders to drive the approvals and engagement process to facilitate economic development.

    In December 2022, Gordon Corporation received development approval for the The Mantaray Marina and Residences project. This mixed-use development will deliver:

    • the Gold Coast’s first dedicated superyacht marina featuring 67 berths with moorings up to 60 metres in length
    • 24 ultra-luxury residences
    • a public retail plaza designed to create a strong link between The Broadwater and the Pacific Ocean
    • a publicly accessible boardwalk along the Broadwater
    • a landscaped public arbour connecting the Broadwater and Seaworld Drive
    • the ability to accommodate future construction of a ferry terminal (if required by the City of Gold Coast).

    The project is valued at approximately $300 million. It is estimated to create 960 jobs during the construction phase and 100 jobs when fully operational.

    The State and Gordon Corporation have entered into a development management agreement. Major construction works (land side) commenced in 2024. Major works on the marina and water-side development are expected to commence in the third quarter of 2024. Practical completion is anticipated by mid-2026.

  • The State undertook an open-market process for developing the Village East Resort Site. The process has been finalised and a preferred proponent has been nominated.

    Once contractual arrangement has been agreed and executed, the project will include the delivery of a public amenities facility and public car park within Hollindale Park and a resort-style complex on the Village East Resort site.

    The site is currently being utilised in the interim as a sales suite for The Mantaray Marina and Residences.

  • The State commenced a two stage competitive market process to identify suitably qualified and experienced parties (or consortia) interested in developing the Village Gateway Site. The process has been finalised and nomination of a preferred proponent is expected soon.

    The Southern Gateway site release envisages a mixed-use development delivering outcomes consistent with The Spit Master Plan and Gold Coast City Planning Scheme.

  • In 2024, our department released a request for expressions of interest for the development of Carter’s Basin on The Spit. Nine submissions were received, and the next stage, a request for detailed proposals, commenced in February 2025.

    During this stage, a quality short list of bidders are invited to submit detailed proposals for the site ( 2.5 MB). Their proposals must be submitted in mid-May 2025 for assessment and evaluation.

    The site release, being undertaken in conjunction with the City of Gold Coast, aims to maintain and enhance Carter’s Basin and The Spit for all Queenslanders and is an exciting opportunity for a unique fresh seafood and tourism experience in Carter’s Basin. Plans proposed by bidders will be required to deliver:

    • new facilities for the local fishing fleet as envisaged by The Spit Master Plan
    • a new commercial marina suitable for marine tourism businesses
    • a pedestrian and cycle pathway along the water’s edge
    • a mixed-use development providing tourism and community benefits.

    A decision on the preferred proposal is expected in quarter 3, 2025. The preferred proposal would then undergo detailed design and the development approval process.

  • To be the first to know about future site release, please register as a supplier on the Qtenders website and nominate to receive notifications for ‘Building and Construction and Maintenance Services’.

    The Village Centre North site continues to be an anticipated project within the Spit Masterplan. This site will return as a competitive, two stage, open market process in future.

Last updated: 18 Jul 2024