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Social media disclaimer

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, including Economic Development Queensland, uses social media to profile the Queensland of tomorrow by educating audiences on the important work the department and fostering optimism, trust, and engagement in the state’s future. These accounts are produced, maintained, and monitored by the department's social media team.

While the department's social media pages are open and public forums. they are also family-friendly, so keep comments polite. To ensure everyone can participate without being exposed to inappropriate content, offensive language, or discriminatory views, we have put some House Rules in place below.

By joining, using or participating in any of the department's social media sites (including, but not limited to LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, X and YouTube page) you have agreed to adhere to the following community policy and will not post any material that contains:

  • hate speech
  • profanity, obscenity or vulgarity
  • comments that could be considered prejudicial, racist inflammatory, pornographic, misleading, deceptive, false, defamatory or libellous
  • nudity or offensive imagery (including, but not limited to, in profile pictures)
  • defamation to a person or people, including false representation of another individual, organisation, government or entity
  • name calling and/or personal attacks
  • comments whose main purpose are commercial in nature and/or to sell a product
  • comments that infringe on copyright or another person’s intellectual property
  • spam comments from individuals or groups, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile
  • personal information about you or another individual (including identifying information, email addresses, phone numbers or private addresses)
  • contains any commercial advertising material
  • isn't relevant to the themes being discussed and sought to be addressed in connection with the department
  • statements that may interfere with or prejudice the course of civil or criminal proceedings that are presently before any court, tribunal, commission or similar body or any investigation by the police, Crime and Misconduct Commission or other agency

We retain the right to remove any content that does not comply with these guidelines or we deem inappropriate.

Please be aware that once you post any information online, there is a potential for unlimited access and/or dissemination of such information, unlimited by time. As a result, we strongly suggest that you exercise caution when posting any information to or on social media sites, including, but not limited to, identifiable personal information. We may also be obliged to store certain information posted on its social media sites. Should you have any questions in relation to this please contact us as set out below.


Copyright of material that we post on this page is owned by the State of Queensland (Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning). Please do not use or repost our content without our permission.

Use of our social media sites are at your own risk. You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of files, information, other communications, content or other material (including, but not limited to, software or malware) accessed through or obtained by means of our social media sites.

The opinions and/or views expressed on our social media platforms, including, but not limited to, any blogs, LinkedIn, Instragram, Facebook, X and YouTube pages, represent the thoughts of individual bloggers and online communities, and not those of the department and/or the State of Queensland or any of its officers, staff or employees. The opinions and/or views expressed on these pages do not in any way reflect the views of the site they are posted on, other sites affiliated with the site, the staff involved in maintaining the site or any members of the site.

All links to other sites found linked from our social media sites are provided only as a service to users. Such linkage does not constitute endorsement by the department of those sites, or of any information, product or service depicted on those sites. We are not responsible for the content of external sites. Follow these links to learn more about a specific privacy policy: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, X, and YouTube.

Whilst we make reasonable efforts to monitor and/or moderate content posted on its social media platforms, we do not moderate all comments and cannot always respond in a timely manner to the content of all comments and/or online requests for information.

We expressly disclaim liability for any viruses or other contamination of your computer systems or other devices used to access its social media platforms, and expressly disclaims liability for actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of its social media sites.

The social media platforms utilised by department are not department websites or applications. We do not own, operate or control these platforms and the Privacy Policy does not apply. If you choose to provide information to these platforms through registration or other interaction, such actions are between yourself and the relevant platform. If you choose to register with any of these platforms, any information that you provide is voluntarily contributed by you and is not maintained by the department. We do not collect personally identifiable information such as your name, address or telephone number from its social media platforms. The department will not contact you directly by phone, mail or email attempting to solicit information from you unless you request contact through a private message or via email.

We do not necessarily have the capacity to control information or content once published on its social media sites. It is very important you familiarise yourself with the Terms of Service of any social media sites you intend on using. We accept no responsibility for damages or liability arising from your publishing of information or content, nor the removal or complaint processes arising from such information or content. The removal of such information or content and/or participation in complaint processes is your sole responsibility.

Whilst every care has been taken in preparing the posts and comments on its social media sites, we accept no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement or advice, expressed or implied, contained within. To the best of our knowledge, the content was correct at the time of publishing. Interested parties should rely only upon their own further direct enquiries with the department before taking any such decisions or actions.

Certain department social media sites, may, from time to time, invite you to contribute to debate or comment on matters or issues by submitting your views, opinions, comments or information. By doing so, you agree to your views, opinions or comments being made public though the department's social media sites immediately upon posting. You also agree that once information is posted or provided, the department cannot necessarily control other parties’ use of it. Your information may move outside of Australia. For example, sites such as X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube are accessible from anywhere globally. You providing of any such information is to be considered consent for such moving of that information and use. DSDI is subject to the Information Privacy Act 2009 and is committed to respecting your privacy. If you have any concerns or questions, please view our Privacy Policy or contact us.

Any enquiries in relation to any matters raised above should be directed to us in writing to PO Box 15009 City East Queensland 4002.

For the removal of any doubt, all references to the department in this Disclaimer should be read as a reference also to the State of Queensland.

Questions? Contact

Last updated: 06 Nov 2024