What is a tender and how will it help grow my business?
What is a tender and how will it help grow my business?
Tenders can occur at a local, state and federal government level as well as in the private sector. When an entity cannot do something themselves, like construction or manufacturing, they offer a third-party business a contract. This guide will take you through the steps needed to get started, as well as explaining the drivers of Queensland Government policies and why you need to know about them.
Tenders can occur at a local, state and federal government level as well as in the private sector. When an entity cannot do something themselves, like construction or manufacturing, they offer a third-party business a contract.
However, it is important for this selection to occur openly, fairly and transparently.
A successful tender outcome can set up mutually beneficial partnerships, establish a positive reputation, and pave the way for securing future contracts.
Writing a tender for the first time can be a heart racing, knee-wobbling, overwhelming experience.
Why so many questions?
Why do they want to know that?
Value for money is more than just price – how do we demonstrate that?
…and so on and so on…
This guide will take you through the steps needed to get started, as well as explaining the drivers of Queensland Government policies and why you need to know about them.
Want to understand the tendering process from beginning to end? A Tendering for Business workshop will increase your chances of tendering success.
Where can I find tender opportunities?
There are many opportunities to tender for business with the Queensland Government and the private sector, the challenge is to find one.
First off, if you haven’t already, make sure your business is registered with the online platforms, including:
- QBuild eTender
- Or other tender sites (such as VendorPanel, LocalBuy, Cordell Connect, etc…)
You can also use both the ICN Queensland (QLD) - Industry Capability Network and BenchOn to:
- Find project information including work packages
- Register your interest to supply
- Create a profile demonstrating your capabilities and value to customers
- Find suppliers through its supplier directory
OUR TIP: Don’t just register, create a complete profile and list your services.
What does the Queensland Government look for in a tender submission?
The Queensland Government follows a set of rules called the Queensland Procurement Policy. This policy guides the purchase of goods and services. The process starts with identifying the need and includes steps like planning, designing, writing specifications, choosing suppliers, managing contracts, and eventually disposing of items when no longer needed.
- Understand the key factors that influence the government and companies, such as economic, operational, social, and environmental considerations.
- Remember that "value for money" includes both cost and non-cost factors, like transition, operating, maintenance, and support costs.
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OUR TIP: Get out there and meet people. Look for opportunities to network with like-minded business owners who you may be able to partner with.
How do you write a tender submission?
Submitting a tender is a process that can be broken down into manageable steps, and there are many tips and tricks to make the process easier.
- Start by identifying if the tender opportunity you are exploring aligns with your Strategic Business plan. Can you meet the mandatory requirements and the required delivery times? What are the criteria that you will be evaluated against?
- If yes, plan your response and commit the resources to meet the tender submission deadline.
- Promote your capabilities and how these benefit your customer. Highlight your past projects, experience and unique skills.
- Answer the question, “Why should your business be chosen over your competitors?”
- Try not to leave blanks (if a question doesn’t apply to you say why!)
1. Mind the details
Double-check everything before submission. Ensure you’ve filled out all required fields, attached all necessary documents and met the deadline. Get a colleague to do an ‘understanding’ check of what you have written.
2. Persistence Pays
It may take a few tries before success, so hang in there. Each submission gets easier, and you’ll learn something new every time.
3. Feedback
Whether you win the tender or not, always ask for feedback. It’s a chance to learn and improve your next submission.
Next Steps
Whether tendering is something you have never done before, or you are looking to improve your confidence and capabilities, you have started in the right place. For more information and clear steps to understanding the tendering process, join one of our Tendering for Business workshops.
These workshops are designed to be interactive and provide practical tips for business owners and professional leaders to prepare a conforming tender. You will be provided with examples, samples and templates to help you draft and structure your tender responses, whilst gaining more insight into where to find tenders and what buyers are looking for.
Last updated: 06 Feb 2025