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What is the biomedical sector? How we’re prioritising your health and the health of Queensland

What is the biomedical sector? How we’re prioritising your health and the health of Queensland

Queensland is well known as the birthplace of many world-changing medical advances, from the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil to the Royal Flying Doctors Service, but for every success story there is often a tale not told – that piece of Queensland ingenuity that never gets the chance to reach its full potential or is not able to translate great research into clinical and commercial success.

This is why the Queensland Government has made it a priority to support the development of our emerging biomedical sector and to recognise its importance as a priority industry with the potential to deliver enormous social and economic benefits to our state.

What is the biomedical sector?

Biomedicine is a field of study and research that explores the biological factors of health conditions and associated treatments.

The biomedical sector in Queensland comprises the collaborative efforts of government, educational and research organisations, hospitals and industry partners to deliver ground-breaking biomedical research, innovative products and dedicated facilities for the clinical treatment of health problems in Queensland.

Why is a thriving biomedical sector important?

As a sector dealing primarily in new technologies and incremental innovation, too often local biomedical research, development and production is licenced overseas only to be bought back again once completed.

Our investment in our home-grown biomedical sector aims to keep the economic and social value of Queensland ingenuity in Queensland.

In other words, we’re retaining maximum value from our local knowledge, jobs and exports, while ensuring everyone in our state continues to receive the best level of medical care.

Biomedicine and the modern world

The growth and development of Queensland’s biomedical sector means our state will be able to better navigate the rapid tides of our modern world, and better support the health of every Queenslander.

Your next vital vaccine could be delivered not by a needle but through a small patch, manufactured by local biomedical company Vaxxas at their new Northshore manufacturing facility.

Your life or that of a loved one could be improved through cutting edge medical advances made at Q-Gen Cell Therapeutics’ newly upgraded facilities at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

Your future health could be maintained in real time through a tiny sticker attached to your skin and connected to your smartphone from Brisbane-based medical equipment manufacturer WearOptimo.

How are we growing Queensland’s biomedical sector?

We’re prioritising your health and the health of our state through three key strategies:

  • supporting Queensland biomedical start-ups to prosper and successfully scale up
  • supporting existing biomedical businesses to grow and attract new biomedical businesses to Queensland
  • promoting capabilities to attract investment and facilitate alliances in the biomedical sector

Find out more about Queensland’s biomedical sector.

Last updated: 06 Nov 2024