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Building the renewable energy capital of the world

Building the renewable energy capital of the world

Clean, reliable and affordable energy providing power for generations.

That’s the vision of the Queensland Government’s Energy and Jobs Plan. The plan sets out a path to transform our electricity network with $62 billion worth of public and private investment over the next 15 years.

That means $62 billion dollars to be put into renewable energy infrastructure and equipment such as wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, pumped hydro equipment and transmission lines.

It also means that 70% of Queensland’s energy supply will come from renewables by 2032 and 80% by 2035 equaling cheaper and cleaner energy for Queenslanders as well as up to 90% of emissions caused from energy to be cut.

So, where do we start?

There’s a lot to get done, but the plan has outlined actions across three focus areas to transform the Queensland energy system.

State Development Deputy Director-General Michele Bauer said it all starts with building Queensland’s energy SuperGrid and creating the clean energy economy.

“We are at the start of a huge shift for Queensland and the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning is playing an important role,” Ms Bauer said.

“Creating a clean energy economy will not only mean investing in new industries, but it also means new supply chains too.

“We want to keep those supply chains in Queensland and skill up our current manufacturing capability to leverage the new industry opportunities.

“We recently released the Energy Manufacturing Opportunity Prospectus to engage with local manufacturers who want to be part of Queensland’s transition to 80% renewable energy by 2035.”

What is the SuperGrid?

The SuperGrid is all of the elements in the electricity system, including the poles, wires, solar, wind and storage that will provide Queenslanders with clean, reliable and affordable power for generations.

A clean opportunity

Blessed with incredible natural resources Queensland is uniquely placed to lead the renewable revolution.

A cleaner energy system will be a platform for accelerating economic growth and unlocking new opportunities like renewable hydrogen, battery manufacturing, new economy mineral mining and metal refining.

It will also allow Queensland to capitalise on global demand for green product, and export clean energy around the world.

There is an enormous economic opportunity to build domestic manufacturing supply chains for components we'll need to create the SuperGrid.

Looking across energy generation, storage and transmission, over the next 13 years, we anticipate Queensland will need:

  • more than 25 million solar PV modules
  • more than 7,000 wind tower blades
  • more than 2,000 wind towers and nacelles
  • nearly 7,000 batteries, and so much more!

This infrastructure will allow us to reliably generate, store and transport cleaner electricity across the state with greater energy independence.

Queensland is Renewable Ready

Queensland has ambitious targets, and the Department is helping seize the renewable energy opportunity by encouraging growth of emerging energy sectors, supporting major renewable projects and ensuring a greener footprint for the businesses and communities of tomorrow.

Learn more about how we are driving investment in renewable energy and powering a brighter future for Queensland.

Last updated: 06 Nov 2024