Strengthening Central Queensland
From the southern islands of the Great Barrier Reef to the outback towns of Birdsville and Boulia, Central Queensland straddles the Tropic of Capricorn from east to west. Major centres of Gladstone, Rockhampton, Emerald, Yeppoon and Longreach along with the smaller communities of Barcaldine, Winton, Biloela, Blackall and Tambo service strong resources, agriculture, education, health and tourism industries. The region is Australia’s largest beef producer while the Gladstone Port is one of the country’s largest multi-commodity ports, exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG), coal and other resources and agricultural products around the world.
The regional office is working to deliver on the Government’s commitment to continue to grow the economy whilst reducing our emissions. Gladstone is a Hydrogen hub and home to the largest electrolyser manufacturing facility in Australia. Multiple wind and solar farms, and battery storage facilities are emerging across the region which provide significant economic opportunities across Central Queensland, attracting workers and investors from all over the world.
The region is a significant food production area with the eastern part of Central Queensland producing over 50% of Australian pineapples while the west supports the country’s largest organic beef producers. The region's fertile lands also grow significant grains, citrus, nuts and other agricultural products.
Our Central Queensland regional office is one of 11 regional offices across Queensland helping businesses to mature, grow and invest. View all upcoming events and opportunities in the region on the events page.
Support is facilitated via one-on-one interactions, information, presentations and workshops (both online and face-to-face).
A number of pre-recorded sessions are also available on how to promote your businesses’ products and services to others.
Key features of Central Queensland
249,020 (2023) – expected to increase to 291,311 by 2046.
Labour force 129,900 (2024)
Industry strengths
- Queensland’s largest multi-commodity port at Gladstone
- largest beef herd of any region in Australia
- significant coking, PCI and thermal coal production
- significant minerals processing
- tertiary education and private secondary boarding schools
- tourism including access to the southern Great Barrier Reef, outback heritage tourism and iconic events including the Big Red Bash and Birdsville races, paleo and Indigenous tourism experiences
- internationally recognised defence Shoalwater Bay training area
- heavy lift capability and international standard runway at Rockhampton airport
- strong and reliable electricity generation (including renewables), transmission and distribution network
- 28 000 hectares of state development land adjacent to the Port of Gladstone
- large reliable water supply for industry and development
- sub-tropical climate
- access to natural gas transmission network
Main industries
- agriculture
- construction
- energy production (coal and renewables)
- fisheries and aquaculture
- horticulture
- manufacturing
- mining and minerals processing
- outback and reef tourism
- transport
- hydrogen electrolysers
Top 10 output industries – total regional output of $70.13 billion:
- mining
- manufacturing
- construction
- electricity, gas, water and waste services
- rental, hiring and real estate services
- agriculture, forestry and fishing
- transport, postal and warehousing
- health care and social assistance
- public administration and safety
- education and training
Top 10 employment industries – total regional employment 113,705 jobs:
- health care and social assistance
- construction
- education and training
- retail trade
- mining
- manufacturing
- accommodation and food services
- public administration and safety
- agriculture, forestry and fishing
- transport, postal and warehousing
Top 10 value add industries – total regional value add $33.57 billion:
- mining
- rental, hiring and real estate services
- construction
- health care and social assistance
- manufacturing
- agriculture, forestry and fishing
- electricity, gas, water and waste services
- transport, postal and warehousing
- education and training
- public administration and safety
Key projects
- Hydrogen industry development and green chemicals manufacture
- Transport & supply chain logistics planning
- Renewable energy generation
- Rockhampton Ring Road
- Major project supply chain development
- Accelerating industrial developments in the Gladstone State Development Area
Local content activities
View all upcoming events and opportunities in the region on the events page including:
- workshops
- mentoring services
- industry briefings supporting businesses at all stages of project supply chains
Further information
Find out more about this diverse region or contact our Central Queensland regional office.
Last updated: 21 Jan 2025